Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
next >
C/C++ Source or Header
8,342 lines
/* -*- mode: C; mode: fold; -*- */
/* Copyright (c) 1998 John E. Davis (davis@space.mit.edu)
* This file is part of slrn.
* Slrn is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Slrn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Slrn; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "slrnfeat.h"
/*{{{ system include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <slang.h>
#include "jdmacros.h"
#ifndef isalpha
# define isalpha(x) \
((((x) <= 'Z') && ((x) >= 'A')) \
|| (((x) <= 'z') && ((x) >= 'a')))
#ifndef isspace
# define isspace(x) (((x) == ' ') || ((x) == '\t'))
/*{{{ slrn include files */
#include "slrn.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "art.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "post.h"
/* #include "clientlib.h" */
#include "startup.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "xover.h"
#include "chmap.h"
#include "print.h"
# include <uudeview.h>
#include "uudecode.h"
# include "mime.h"
# include "grplens.h"
/*{{{ extern Global variables */
SLKeyMap_List_Type *Slrn_Article_Keymap;
char *Slrn_X_Browser;
char *Slrn_NonX_Browser;
char *Slrn_Quote_String;
char *Slrn_Save_Directory;
char *Slrn_Header_Help_Line;
char *Slrn_Art_Help_Line;
char *Slrn_Followup_Custom_Headers;
char *Slrn_Reply_Custom_Headers;
int Slrn_Use_Tildes = 1;
int Slrn_Startup_With_Article = 0;
int Slrn_Followup_Strip_Sig;
int Slrn_Query_Next_Article = 1;
int Slrn_Query_Next_Group = 1;
int Slrn_Auto_CC_To_Poster = 0;
int Slrn_Score_After_XOver;
int Slrn_Use_Tmpdir = 0;
int Slrn_Threads_Visible = 0;
int Slrn_Use_Header_Numbers = 1;
int Slrn_Display_Score;
int Slrn_High_Score_Min = 1;
int Slrn_Low_Score_Max = 0;
int Slrn_Kill_Score_Max = -9999;
int Slrn_Article_Window_Border = 0;
int Slrn_Reads_Per_Update = 50;
int Slrn_Sig_Is_End_Of_Article = 0;
int Slrn_Spoiler_Char = 42;
int Slrn_Spoiler_Display_Mode = 1;
int Slrn_New_Subject_Breaks_Threads = 0;
int Slrn_Simulate_Graphic_Chars = 0;
int Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read = 1;
char *Slrn_Current_Group_Name;
Slrn_Header_Type *Slrn_First_Header;
Slrn_Header_Type *Slrn_Current_Header;
/* range of articles on server for current group */
int Slrn_Server_Min, Slrn_Server_Max;
/* Sorting mode:
* 0 No sorting
* 1 sort by threads
* 2 sort by subject
* 3 sort by subject and threads
* 4 sort by score
* 5 sort by score and threads
* 6 sort by score then by subject
* 7 thread, then sort by score then subject
* 8 sort by date
# define SORT_BY_SCORE 4
#define SORT_BY_DATE 8
int Slrn_Sorting_Mode = (SORT_BY_THREADS|SORT_BY_SUBJECT);
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *Slrn_Article_Lines;
/*{{{ static global variables */
static SLscroll_Window_Type Slrn_Article_Window;
static SLscroll_Window_Type Slrn_Header_Window;
static int Header_Window_Nrows;
static unsigned int Number_Killed;
static unsigned int Number_High_Scored;
static unsigned int Number_Low_Scored;
static int User_Aborted_Group_Read;
static Slrn_Header_Type *Spoilers_Visible;
static int Num_GroupLens_Rated = -1;
static Slrn_Header_Type *Mark_Header; /* header with mark set */
static Slrn_Group_Type *Current_Group; /* group being processed */
static int Total_Num_Headers; /* headers retrieved from server. This
* number is used only by update meters */
static Slrn_Header_Type *Headers;
static int Last_Cursor_Row; /* row where --> cursor last was */
static Slrn_Header_Type *Header_Showing; /* header whose article is selected */
static Slrn_Header_Type *Last_Read_Header;
static int Article_Visible; /* non-zero if article window is visible */
static char Output_Filename[256];
static int Headers_Threaded;
/* If +1, threads are all collapsed. If zero, none are. If -1, some may
* be and some may not. In other words, if -1, this variable should not
* be trusted.
static int Threads_Collapsed = 0;
static int Graphic_LTee_Char = SLSMG_LTEE_CHAR;
static int Graphic_UTee_Char = SLSMG_UTEE_CHAR;
static int Graphic_LLCorn_Char = SLSMG_LLCORN_CHAR;
static int Graphic_HLine_Char = SLSMG_HLINE_CHAR;
static int Graphic_VLine_Char = SLSMG_VLINE_CHAR;
static int Graphic_ULCorn_Char = SLSMG_ULCORN_CHAR;
static int Graphic_Chars_Mode = ALT_CHAR_SET_MODE;
#define HEADER_TABLE_SIZE 1250
static Slrn_Header_Type *Header_Table[HEADER_TABLE_SIZE];
static int Headers_Hidden_Mode = 1;
static int Quotes_Hidden = 0;
static char *Super_Cite_Regexp = "^[^A-Za-z0-9]*\"\\([-_a-zA-Z/]+\\)\" == .+";
static int Do_Rot13;
static int Perform_Scoring;
static int Largest_Header_Number;
static int Article_Window_Nrows;
static int Article_Window_HScroll;
static int Article_Wrapped;
static SLKeymap_Function_Type *Art_Functions_Ptr;
static Slrn_Article_Line_Type *Article_Current_Line;
static int Header_Window_HScroll;
static Slrn_Header_Type *At_End_Of_Article;
/* If this variable is NULL, then we are not at the end of an article. If it
* points at the current article, the we are at the end of that article.
* If it points anywhere else, ignore it.
/*{{{ static function declarations */
static void toggle_header_formats (void);
static void slrn_art_hangup (int);
static void sort_threads (void);
static void hide_quotes (void);
static void wrap_article (void);
static void unwrap_article (void);
static void art_update_screen (void);
static void art_next_unread (void);
static void thread_headers (void);
static void sort_by_threads (void);
static void sort_by_sorting_mode (void);
static int select_article (int);
static Slrn_Article_Line_Type *unwrap_line (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *);
static void quick_help (void);
static void for_this_tree (Slrn_Header_Type *, void (*)(Slrn_Header_Type *));
static void find_non_hidden_header (void);
static void skip_to_next_group (void);
static void show_spoilers (void);
/*{{{ utility functions */
static int is_blank_line (unsigned char *b) /*{{{*/
b = (unsigned char *) slrn_skip_whitespace ((char *) b);
return (*b == 0);
static char *map_char_to_string (int ch) /*{{{*/
static char charbuf[8];
switch (ch)
case ' ': return "SPACE";
case '\t': return "TAB";
case '\r': return "RETURN";
case 27: return "ESCAPE";
case 127: return "DELETE";
case 8: return "BACKSPACE";
if (ch < 32)
sprintf (charbuf, "Ctrl-%c", ch + '@');
return charbuf;
sprintf (charbuf, "'%c'", ch);
return charbuf;
/*{{{ SIGWINCH and window resizing functions */
static void art_winch (void) /*{{{*/
static int rows = 0;
/* Check to see if rows is still 0. If so, this is the first
* call here and we should run resize_screen_hook to allow it
* to change the initial Article_Window_Nrows.
if (rows == 0)
rows = SLtt_Screen_Rows;
SLang_run_hooks ("resize_screen_hook", 0);
if ((rows != SLtt_Screen_Rows)
|| (Article_Window_Nrows <= 1)
|| (Article_Window_Nrows > SLtt_Screen_Rows - 3))
rows = SLtt_Screen_Rows;
Article_Window_Nrows = (3 * rows) / 4;
if (rows <= 28)
Article_Window_Nrows = rows - 8;
Header_Window_Nrows = rows - 3;
if (Article_Visible)
Header_Window_Nrows -= Article_Window_Nrows;
if (Header_Window_Nrows < 0) Header_Window_Nrows = 1;
if (Article_Window_Nrows < 0) Article_Window_Nrows = 1;
Slrn_Article_Window.nrows = Article_Window_Nrows;
Slrn_Header_Window.nrows = Header_Window_Nrows;
if (Slrn_Wrap_Mode & 0x4) wrap_article ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void set_article_visibility (int visible)
if (visible == Article_Visible)
Article_Visible = visible;
art_winch ();
static void art_winch_sig (int old_r, int old_c) /*{{{*/
(void) old_c;
if (old_r != SLtt_Screen_Rows)
Article_Window_Nrows = 0;
art_winch ();
static void shrink_window (void) /*{{{*/
if (Article_Visible == 0) return;
art_winch ();
static void enlarge_window (void) /*{{{*/
if (Article_Visible == 0) return;
art_winch ();
void slrn_set_article_window_size (int nrows)
Article_Window_Nrows = nrows;
art_winch ();
/*{{{ header hash functions */
static void delete_hash_table (void) /*{{{*/
SLMEMSET ((char *) Header_Table, 0, sizeof (Header_Table));
static void make_hash_table (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
delete_hash_table ();
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
h->hash_next = Header_Table[h->hash % HEADER_TABLE_SIZE];
Header_Table[h->hash % HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] = h;
h = h->real_next;
static void free_header (Slrn_Header_Type *h)
slrn_free (h->subject);
slrn_free ((char *) h);
/*{{{ article line specific functions */
static void find_article_line_num (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
/* Make sure Article_Current_Line is not hidden */
l = Article_Current_Line;
while ((l != NULL) && (l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE))
l = l->prev;
if (l == NULL)
l = Article_Current_Line;
while ((l != NULL) && (l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE))
l = l->next;
Article_Current_Line = l;
Slrn_Article_Window.current_line = (SLscroll_Type *) Article_Current_Line;
/* Force current line to be at top of window */
Slrn_Article_Window.top_window_line = Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
SLscroll_find_line_num (&Slrn_Article_Window);
static void init_article_window_struct (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Window.hidden_mask = HIDDEN_LINE;
Slrn_Article_Window.current_line = (SLscroll_Type *) Article_Current_Line;
Slrn_Article_Window.cannot_scroll = SLtt_Term_Cannot_Scroll;
Slrn_Article_Window.lines = (SLscroll_Type *) Slrn_Article_Lines;
Slrn_Article_Window.border = Slrn_Article_Window_Border;
art_winch (); /* set nrows element */
find_article_line_num ();
static void free_article (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l, *next;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
SLFREE (l->buf);
next = l->next;
l = next;
SLMEMSET((char *) &Slrn_Article_Window, 0, sizeof(SLscroll_Window_Type));
Article_Current_Line = Slrn_Article_Lines = NULL;
Header_Showing = NULL;
Article_Wrapped = 0;
set_article_visibility (0);
typedef struct _Visible_Header_Type
char *header;
unsigned int len;
struct _Visible_Header_Type *next;
Visible_Header_Type *Visible_Headers;
static void free_visible_header_list (void)
while (Visible_Headers != NULL)
Visible_Header_Type *next;
next = Visible_Headers->next;
SLang_free_slstring (Visible_Headers->header); /* NULL ok */
SLfree ((char *) Visible_Headers);
Visible_Headers = next;
int slrn_set_visible_headers (char *headers)
char buf[256];
unsigned int nth;
free_visible_header_list ();
nth = 0;
while (-1 != SLextract_list_element (headers, nth, ',', buf, sizeof(buf)))
Visible_Header_Type *next;
next = (Visible_Header_Type *) SLmalloc (sizeof (Visible_Header_Type));
if (next == NULL)
return -1;
memset ((char *) next, 0, sizeof(Visible_Header_Type));
if (NULL == (next->header = SLang_create_slstring (buf)))
SLfree ((char *) next);
return -1;
next->len = strlen (buf);
next->next = Visible_Headers;
Visible_Headers = next;
return 0;
/* Does NOT update line numbers */
static void hide_art_headers (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
char ch;
while ((l != NULL) && ((ch = *l->buf) != 0))
int hide_header;
Visible_Header_Type *v;
l->flags = HEADER_LINE;
ch |= 0x20;
hide_header = 1;
v = Visible_Headers;
while (v != NULL)
char chv = (0x20 | v->header[0]);
if ((chv == ch)
&& (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)l->buf,
(unsigned char *)v->header,
hide_header = 0;
v = v->next;
l->flags |= HEADER_LINE;
if (Headers_Hidden_Mode && hide_header)
l->flags |= HIDDEN_LINE;
else l->flags &= ~HIDDEN_LINE;
l = l->next;
while ((l != NULL) && ((*l->buf == ' ') || (*l->buf == '\t')));
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void skip_quoted_text (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Article_Current_Line;
/* look for a quoted line */
while (l != NULL)
if ((l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE) == 0)
Article_Current_Line = l;
if (l->flags & QUOTE_LINE) break;
l = l->next;
/* Now we are either at the end of the buffer or on a quote line. Skip
* past other quote lines.
if (l == NULL)
find_article_line_num ();
l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
if (l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE)
l = l->next;
Article_Current_Line = l;
if ((l->flags & QUOTE_LINE) == 0)
/* Check to see if it is blank */
if (is_blank_line ((unsigned char *) l->buf) == 0) break;
l = l->next;
find_article_line_num ();
static void skip_digest_forward (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
int num_passes;
/* We are looking for:
* <blank line> (actually, most digests do not have this-- even the FAQ that suggests it!!)
* ------------------------------
* <blank line>
* Subject: something
* In fact, most digests do not conform to this. So, I will look for:
* <blank line>
* Subject: something
* Actually, most faqs, etc... do not support this. So, look for any line
* beginning with a number on second pass. Sigh.
num_passes = 0;
while (num_passes < 2)
l = Article_Current_Line;
if (l != NULL) l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
char ch;
char *buf;
if ((l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE) || (l->flags & HEADER_LINE))
l = l->next;
buf = l->buf;
if (num_passes == 0)
if ((strncmp ("Subject:", buf, 8))
|| (((ch = buf[8]) != ' ') && (ch != '\t')))
l = l->next;
ch = *buf;
if ((ch > '9') || (ch < '0'))
l = l->next;
Article_Current_Line = l;
find_article_line_num ();
slrn_error ("No next digest.");
static int try_supercite (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Slrn_Article_Lines, *last, *lsave;
static unsigned char compiled_pattern_buf[256];
static SLRegexp_Type re;
unsigned char *b;
int count;
char name[32];
unsigned int len;
int ret;
re.pat = (unsigned char *) Super_Cite_Regexp;
re.buf = compiled_pattern_buf;
re.case_sensitive = 1;
re.buf_len = sizeof (compiled_pattern_buf);
/* skip header --- I should look for Xnewsreader: gnus */
while ((l != NULL) && (*l->buf != 0)) l = l->next;
if ((*compiled_pattern_buf == 0) && SLang_regexp_compile (&re))
return -1;
/* look at the first 15 lines on first attempt.
* After that, scan the whole buffer looking for more citations */
count = 15;
lsave = l;
ret = -1;
while (1)
while (count && (l != NULL))
if ((l->flags & QUOTE_LINE) == 0)
if (NULL != slrn_regexp_match (&re, l->buf))
l->flags |= QUOTE_LINE;
l = l->next;
if ((l == NULL) || (count == 0)) return ret;
/* Now find out what is used for citing. */
b = (unsigned char *) l->buf + re.beg_matches[1];
len = re.end_matches[1];
if (len > sizeof (name) - 2) return ret;
ret = 0;
strncpy (name, (char *) b, len); name[len] = 0;
/* strcat (name, ">");
len++; */
while (l != NULL)
unsigned char ch;
b = (unsigned char *) l->buf;
last = l;
l = l->next;
if (last->flags & QUOTE_LINE) continue;
b = (unsigned char *) slrn_skip_whitespace ((char *) b);
if (!strncmp ((char *) b, name, len)
&& (((ch = b[len] | 0x20) < 'a')
|| (ch > 'z')))
last->flags |= QUOTE_LINE;
while (l != NULL)
b = (unsigned char *) slrn_skip_whitespace (l->buf);
if (strncmp ((char *) b, name, len)
|| (((ch = b[len] | 0x20) >= 'a')
&& (ch <= 'z')))
l->flags |= QUOTE_LINE;
l = l->next;
count = -1;
l = lsave;
static void mark_spoilers (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
int spoiler = 0;
/* skip header */
while ((l != NULL) && (l->flags & HEADER_LINE))
l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
if ((l->buf[0] == 12) && (l->buf[1] == 0))
spoiler = 1;
else if (spoiler)
l->flags |= SPOILER_LINE;
l = l->next;
static void mark_quotes (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l, *last;
unsigned char *b;
SLRegexp_Type **r;
if (0 == try_supercite ())
/* return; */
if (Slrn_Ignore_Quote_Regexp[0] == NULL) return;
/* skip header */
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while ((l != NULL) && (*l->buf != 0)) l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
unsigned int min_len;
b = (unsigned char *) l->buf;
min_len = strlen ((char *) b);
last = l;
l = l->next; /* if first time through, this skips
* blank line at at last header.
r = Slrn_Ignore_Quote_Regexp;
while (*r != NULL)
SLRegexp_Type *re;
re = *r;
if ((re->min_length <= min_len) &&
(NULL != SLang_regexp_match (b, min_len, re)))
last->flags |= QUOTE_LINE;
while (l != NULL)
b = (unsigned char *) l->buf;
min_len = strlen ((char *) b);
if ((re->min_length <= min_len)
&& (NULL == SLang_regexp_match (b, min_len, re)))
/* Here it might be a good idea to add:
* l = l->prev;
l->flags |= QUOTE_LINE;
l = l->next;
static void mark_signature (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
int nmax = 10;
if (l == NULL) return;
/* go to end of article */
while (l->next != NULL) l = l->next;
/* skip back untill "-- " seen. Assume that it is not more than
* 10 lines long.
while ((l != NULL) && nmax--
&& ((*l->buf != '-')
|| strcmp (l->buf, "-- ")))
l = l->prev;
if (nmax == -1) return;
while (l != NULL)
l->flags |= SIGNATURE_LINE;
l->flags &= ~(
QUOTE_LINE /* if in a signature, not a quote */
| SPOILER_LINE /* not a spoiler */
l = l->next;
char *slrn_extract_header (char *hdr, unsigned int len) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
if (Slrn_Current_Header == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((len > 2) && (hdr[len-1] == ' ') && (hdr[len-2] == ':'))
if (Slrn_Current_Header != Header_Showing)
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"From: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
return slrn_skip_whitespace (Slrn_Current_Header->from);
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Subject: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
return Slrn_Current_Header->subject;
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Message-Id: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
return slrn_skip_whitespace (Slrn_Current_Header->msgid);
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Date: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
return Slrn_Current_Header->date;
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"References: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
return slrn_skip_whitespace (Slrn_Current_Header->refs);
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Xref: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
return Slrn_Current_Header->xref;
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Lines: ", (unsigned char *)hdr, len))
static char lines_buf[16];
sprintf (lines_buf, "%d", Slrn_Current_Header->lines);
return lines_buf;
return NULL;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while ((l != NULL)
&& (*l->buf != 0))
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *) hdr,
(unsigned char *) l->buf, len))
char *result;
if ((l->next != NULL) && (l->next->flags & WRAPPED_LINE))
unwrap_line (l->next);
/* Return the data after the colon */
result = slrn_strchr (l->buf, ':');
if (result == NULL)
result = l->buf + len;
else result += 1;
return slrn_skip_whitespace (result);
l = l->next;
return NULL;
/*{{{ wrap article functions */
/* The input line is assumed to be the first wrapped portion of a line. For
* example, if a series of lines denoted as A/B is wrapped: A0/A1/A2/B0/B1,
* then to unwrap A, A1 is passed and B0 is returned.
static Slrn_Article_Line_Type *unwrap_line (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l) /*{{{*/
char *b;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *next, *ll;
ll = l->prev;
b = ll->buf;
b += strlen (b);
strcpy (b, l->buf + 1); /* skip the space at beginning of
* the wrapped line. */
next = l->next;
SLFREE (l->buf);
if (l == Article_Current_Line) Article_Current_Line = ll;
l = next;
while ((l != NULL) && (l->flags & WRAPPED_LINE));
ll->next = l;
if (l != NULL) l->prev = ll;
return l;
int Slrn_Wrap_Mode = 3;
static void unwrap_article (void)
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
if (Article_Wrapped == 0) return;
Article_Wrapped = 0;
if (Header_Showing == NULL) return;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
if (l->flags & WRAPPED_LINE)
l = unwrap_line (l);
else l = l->next;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
find_article_line_num ();
static void wrap_article (void) /*{{{*/
unsigned int len;
unsigned char *buf, ch;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
unsigned int wrap_mode = Slrn_Wrap_Mode;
if (Header_Showing == NULL) return;
(void) unwrap_article ();
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
unsigned char header_char_delimiter = 0;
if (l->flags & HEADER_LINE)
if ((wrap_mode & 1) == 0)
l = l->next;
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Path: ",
(unsigned char *)l->buf, 6))
header_char_delimiter = '!';
else if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *) "Newsgroups: ",
(unsigned char *)l->buf, 12))
header_char_delimiter = ',';
else if (l->flags & QUOTE_LINE)
if ((wrap_mode & 2) == 0)
l = l->next;
len = 0;
buf = (unsigned char *) l->buf;
ch = *buf;
while (ch != 0)
if ((ch == '\t') && (SLsmg_Tab_Width > 0))
len += SLsmg_Tab_Width;
len -= len % SLsmg_Tab_Width;
else if (((ch >= ' ') && (ch < 127))
|| (ch >= (unsigned char) SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit))
len += 2;
if (ch & 0x80) len++;
if (len > (unsigned int) SLtt_Screen_Cols)
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *new_l;
unsigned char *buf0, *lbuf;
/* Try to break the line on a word boundary.
* For now, I will only break on space characters.
buf0 = buf;
lbuf = (unsigned char *) l->buf;
lbuf += 1; /* avoid space at beg of line */
while (buf0 > lbuf)
if ((*buf0 == ' ') || (*buf0 == '\t')
|| (header_char_delimiter
&& (*buf0 == header_char_delimiter)))
buf = buf0;
if (buf0 == lbuf)
/* Could not find a place to break the line. Ok, so
* we will not break this. Perhaps it is a URL.
* If not, it is a long word and who cares about it.
while (((ch = *buf) != 0)
&& (ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t'))
if (ch == 0)
/* Start wrapped lines with a space. To do this, I will
* _temporally_ modify the previous character for the purpose
* of creating the new space.
ch = *buf;
*buf = ' ';
new_l = (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) slrn_malloc (sizeof (Slrn_Article_Line_Type), 1, 1);
if (new_l == NULL)
if (NULL == (new_l->buf = slrn_strmalloc ((char *)buf, 1)))
SLFREE (new_l);
*buf++ = ch;
*buf = 0;
new_l->next = l->next;
new_l->prev = l;
l->next = new_l;
if (new_l->next != NULL) new_l->next->prev = new_l;
new_l->flags = l->flags | WRAPPED_LINE;
l = new_l;
buf = (unsigned char *) new_l->buf;
len = 0;
Article_Wrapped = 1;
else buf++;
ch = *buf;
l = l->next;
if (Quotes_Hidden) hide_quotes ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
find_article_line_num ();
static void toggle_wrap_article (void)
if (Article_Wrapped)
unwrap_article ();
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL) Slrn_Wrap_Mode = 0x7F;
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
wrap_article ();
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *slrn_search_article (char *string, /*{{{*/
char **ptrp,
int is_regexp,
int set_current_flag)
SLsearch_Type st;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
char *ptr;
int ret;
SLRegexp_Type *re = NULL;
if (-1 == (ret = select_article (1)))
return NULL;
if (Article_Current_Line == NULL)
return NULL;
if (is_regexp)
re = slrn_compile_regexp_pattern (string);
if (re == NULL)
return NULL;
else SLsearch_init (string, 1, 0, &st);
l = Article_Current_Line;
if (ret == 1)
l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
if ((l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE) == 0)
if (is_regexp)
ptr = (char *) slrn_regexp_match (re, l->buf);
ptr = (char *) SLsearch ((unsigned char *) l->buf,
(unsigned char *) l->buf + strlen (l->buf),
if (ptr != NULL)
if (ptrp != NULL) *ptrp = ptr;
if (set_current_flag)
Article_Current_Line = l;
find_article_line_num ();
l = l->next;
return l;
static void free_argc_argv_list (unsigned int argc, char **argv)
while (argc)
slrn_free (argv[argc]);
static char *find_url (char *l_buf, unsigned int *p_len) /*{{{*/
char *ptr, *tmp, ch;
while (NULL != (ptr = slrn_strchr (l_buf, ':')))
int again;
if ((ptr == l_buf) || (ptr[1] != '/') || (ptr[2] != '/'))
l_buf = ptr + 1;
tmp = ptr;
while ((ptr > l_buf)
&& isalpha((unsigned char)(*(ptr - 1))))
/* all registered and reserved scheme names are >= 3 chars long */
if (ptr + 3 > tmp)
l_buf = tmp + 3; /* skip :// */
tmp = ptr;
again = 1;
while (again)
ch = *ptr;
switch (ch)
case '.':
ch = *ptr;
if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t')
|| (ch == '\n') || (ch == 0))
again = 0;
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\"':
case '}':
case '{':
case ')':
case ',':
case ';':
case '>':
case '<':
case 0:
again = 0;
l_buf = ptr;
if ((*p_len = (unsigned int) (ptr - tmp)) < 7)
ptr -= 3;
if ((ptr[0] == ':')
&& (ptr[1] == '/')
&& (ptr[2] == '/'))
return tmp;
return NULL;
static int extract_urls (unsigned int *argc_ptr, char **argv, unsigned int max_argc,
unsigned int *start) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
unsigned int argc;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
*start = 0;
argc = 0;
while (l != NULL)
char *ptr;
unsigned int len;
if (l == Article_Current_Line)
*start = argc;
ptr = l->buf;
while (NULL != (ptr = find_url (ptr, &len)))
if (argc == max_argc)
*argc_ptr = argc;
return 0;
if (NULL == (argv[argc] = slrn_strnmalloc (ptr, len, 1)))
free_argc_argv_list (argc, argv);
return -1;
ptr += len;
l = l->next;
*argc_ptr = argc;
return 0;
static void launch_url (char *url) /*{{{*/
char command [4096];
char *browser, *has_percent;
int reinit;
/* add code to allow slrn to handle news: and nntp: URLs here */
reinit = 0;
if ((NULL == getenv ("DISPLAY"))
|| (NULL == (browser = slrn_skip_whitespace (Slrn_X_Browser)))
|| (browser [0] == 0))
reinit = 1;
browser = Slrn_NonX_Browser;
if (browser == NULL)
slrn_error ("No Web Browser has been defined.");
if (reinit == 0) /* ==> X_Browser != NULL */
/* Non_X and X browsers may be same. */
if ((Slrn_NonX_Browser != NULL)
&& (0 == strcmp (Slrn_NonX_Browser, Slrn_X_Browser)))
reinit = 1;
/* Perform a simple-minded syntax check. */
has_percent = slrn_strchr (browser, '%');
if (has_percent != NULL)
if ((has_percent[1] != 's')
|| ((has_percent != browser) && (*(has_percent - 1) == '\\')))
has_percent = NULL;
if (has_percent != NULL)
sprintf (command, browser, url);
/* Is this quoting ok on VMS and OS/2?? */
sprintf (command, "%s '%s'", browser, url);
slrn_posix_system (command, reinit);
static void browse_url (void) /*{{{*/
char url[256];
int selected;
unsigned int argc, start_argc;
#define MAX_URLS 1024
char *argv[MAX_URLS];
int want_edit;
if (-1 == extract_urls (&argc, argv, MAX_URLS, &start_argc))
if (0 == argc)
slrn_error ("No URLs found.");
selected = 0;
want_edit = 1;
if (argc > 1)
selected = slrn_select_list_mode ("URL", argc, argv, start_argc, &want_edit);
if (-1 == selected)
free_argc_argv_list (argc, argv);
strncpy (url, argv[selected], sizeof (url));
url[sizeof(url) - 1] = 0;
free_argc_argv_list (argc, argv);
if (want_edit
&& (slrn_read_input ("Browse (^G aborts)", NULL, url, 0, 1) <= 0))
slrn_error ("Aborted.");
launch_url (url);
static void article_search (void) /*{{{*/
static char search_str[256];
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
if (slrn_read_input ("Search", search_str, NULL, 0, 0) <= 0) return;
l = slrn_search_article (search_str, NULL, 0, 1);
if (l == NULL) slrn_error ("Not found.");
/*{{{ current article movement functions */
static unsigned int art_lineup_n (unsigned int n) /*{{{*/
if (select_article (1) <= 0) return 0;
n = SLscroll_prev_n (&Slrn_Article_Window, n);
Article_Current_Line = (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
/* Force current line to be at top of window */
Slrn_Article_Window.top_window_line = Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
return n;
static void art_pageup (void) /*{{{*/
if (select_article (1) <= 0)
/* Since we always require the current line to be at the top of the
* window, SLscroll_pageup cannot be used. Instead, do it this way:
art_lineup_n (Slrn_Article_Window.nrows - 1);
int slrn_get_next_pagedn_action (void)
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
if (Slrn_Current_Header == NULL)
return -1;
if ((Article_Visible == 0)
|| (At_End_Of_Article != Slrn_Current_Header))
return 0;
h = Slrn_Current_Header->next;
while (h != NULL)
if (0 == (h->flags & HEADER_READ))
return 1;
h = h->next;
return 2;
static void art_pagedn (void) /*{{{*/
unsigned char ch, ch1;
char *msg = NULL;
if (Slrn_Current_Header == NULL) return;
if (Spoilers_Visible == Slrn_Current_Header)
show_spoilers ();
if ((Article_Visible == 0) || (At_End_Of_Article != Slrn_Current_Header))
int av = Article_Visible;
At_End_Of_Article = NULL;
if ((select_article (1) <= 0)
|| (av == 0))
SLscroll_pagedown (&Slrn_Article_Window);
Article_Current_Line = (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
/* Force current line to be at top of window */
#if 1
Slrn_Article_Window.top_window_line = Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
At_End_Of_Article = NULL;
if (Slrn_Batch) return;
if (Slrn_Current_Header->next == NULL)
if (Slrn_Query_Next_Group)
msg = "At end of article, press %s for next group.";
else if (Slrn_Query_Next_Article)
msg = "At end of article, press %s for next unread article.";
if ((ch1 = SLang_Last_Key_Char) == 27) ch1 = ' ';
ch = ch1;
if (msg != NULL)
slrn_message_now (msg, map_char_to_string (ch));
ch = SLang_getkey ();
if (ch == ch1)
At_End_Of_Article = NULL;
if (Slrn_Current_Header->next != NULL) art_next_unread ();
else skip_to_next_group ();
else SLang_ungetkey (ch);
static void art_lineup (void) /*{{{*/
art_lineup_n (1);
static void art_bob (void) /*{{{*/
while (0xFFFF == art_lineup_n (0xFFFF));
static unsigned int art_linedn_n (unsigned int n) /*{{{*/
if (select_article (1) <= 0)
return 0;
n = SLscroll_next_n (&Slrn_Article_Window, n);
Article_Current_Line = (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
/* Force current line to be at top of window */
Slrn_Article_Window.top_window_line = Slrn_Article_Window.current_line;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
return n;
static void art_linedn (void) /*{{{*/
art_linedn_n (1);
static void art_eob (void) /*{{{*/
while (art_linedn_n (0xFFFF) > 0)
(void) art_lineup_n (Slrn_Article_Window.nrows / 2);
/*{{{ Tag functions */
typedef struct /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type **headers;
unsigned int max_len;
unsigned int len;
static Num_Tag_Type Num_Tag_List;
static void free_tag_list (void) /*{{{*/
if (Num_Tag_List.headers != NULL)
SLFREE (Num_Tag_List.headers);
Num_Tag_List.headers = NULL;
Num_Tag_List.len = Num_Tag_List.max_len = 0;
int slrn_goto_num_tagged_header (int *nump) /*{{{*/
unsigned int num;
num = (unsigned int) *nump;
if (num >= Num_Tag_List.len)
return 0;
if (Num_Tag_List.headers == NULL)
return 0;
if (-1 == slrn_goto_header (Num_Tag_List.headers[num], 0))
return 0;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
return 1;
static void num_tag_header (void) /*{{{*/
unsigned int len;
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (Num_Tag_List.headers == NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type **headers;
unsigned int max_len = 20;
headers = (Slrn_Header_Type **) slrn_malloc (max_len * sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type),
0, 1);
if (headers == NULL)
Num_Tag_List.max_len = max_len;
Num_Tag_List.headers = headers;
Num_Tag_List.len = 0;
if (Num_Tag_List.max_len == Num_Tag_List.len)
Slrn_Header_Type **headers = Num_Tag_List.headers;
unsigned int max_len = Num_Tag_List.max_len + 20;
headers = (Slrn_Header_Type **) slrn_realloc ((char *)headers,
max_len * sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type),
if (headers == NULL)
Num_Tag_List.max_len = max_len;
Num_Tag_List.headers = headers;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
if ((Slrn_Current_Header->flags & HEADER_NTAGGED) == 0)
Num_Tag_List.headers[Num_Tag_List.len] = Slrn_Current_Header;
Num_Tag_List.len += 1;
Slrn_Current_Header->tag_number = Num_Tag_List.len;
Slrn_Current_Header->flags |= HEADER_NTAGGED;
(void) slrn_header_down_n (1, 0);
/* It is already tagged. So, what do we do. The most sensible thing to
* do is to simply give this header the last number and renumber the others
* that follow it. If it is the last one, untag it.
if (Slrn_Current_Header->tag_number == Num_Tag_List.len)
Num_Tag_List.len -= 1;
Slrn_Current_Header->tag_number = 0;
Slrn_Current_Header->flags &= ~HEADER_NTAGGED;
for (len = Slrn_Current_Header->tag_number + 1; len <= Num_Tag_List.len; len++)
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Num_Tag_List.headers[len - 1];
Num_Tag_List.headers[len - 2] = h;
h->tag_number -= 1;
Num_Tag_List.headers[len - 2] = Slrn_Current_Header;
Slrn_Current_Header->tag_number = len - 1;
static void num_untag_headers (void) /*{{{*/
unsigned int len;
for (len = 1; len <= Num_Tag_List.len; len++)
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Num_Tag_List.headers[len - 1];
h->flags &= ~HEADER_NTAGGED;
h->tag_number = 0;
Num_Tag_List.len = 0;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void toggle_one_header_tag (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
if (h == NULL) return;
if (h->flags & HEADER_TAGGED)
h->flags &= ~HEADER_TAGGED;
else h->flags |= HEADER_TAGGED;
static void toggle_header_tag (void) /*{{{*/
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
h = Headers;
while (h != NULL)
h->flags &= ~HEADER_TAGGED;
h = h->next;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
if ((Slrn_Current_Header->parent != NULL)/* in middle of thread */
|| (Slrn_Current_Header->child == NULL)/* At top with no child */
/* or at top with child showing */
|| (0 == (Slrn_Current_Header->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)))
toggle_one_header_tag (Slrn_Current_Header);
for_this_tree (Slrn_Current_Header, toggle_one_header_tag);
(void) slrn_header_down_n (1, 0);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
int slrn_prev_tagged_header (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_Current_Header;
if (h == NULL) return 0;
while (h->prev != NULL)
h = h->prev;
if (h->flags & HEADER_TAGGED)
slrn_goto_header (h, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
int slrn_next_tagged_header (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_Current_Header;
if (h == NULL) return 0;
while (h->next != NULL)
h = h->next;
if (h->flags & HEADER_TAGGED)
slrn_goto_header (h, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
/*{{{ Header specific functions */
static void find_header_line_num (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
find_non_hidden_header ();
Slrn_Header_Window.lines = (SLscroll_Type *) Headers;
Slrn_Header_Window.current_line = (SLscroll_Type *) Slrn_Current_Header;
SLscroll_find_line_num (&Slrn_Header_Window);
static void init_header_window_struct (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Window.nrows = 0;
Slrn_Header_Window.hidden_mask = HEADER_HIDDEN;
Slrn_Header_Window.current_line = (SLscroll_Type *) Slrn_Current_Header;
Slrn_Header_Window.cannot_scroll = SLtt_Term_Cannot_Scroll;
Slrn_Header_Window.border = 1;
if (Slrn_Scroll_By_Page)
/* Slrn_Header_Window.border = 0; */
Slrn_Header_Window.cannot_scroll = 2;
Slrn_Header_Window.lines = (SLscroll_Type *) Headers;
art_winch (); /* get row information correct */
find_header_line_num ();
static Slrn_Header_Type *find_header_from_serverid (int id) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->number > id) return NULL;
if (h->number == id) break;
h = h->real_next;
return h;
static void kill_cross_references (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
char *b;
char group[256], *g;
long num;
if ((h->xref == NULL) || (*h->xref == 0))
if ((Header_Showing != h)
|| (NULL == (b = slrn_extract_header ("Xref: ", 6))))
else b = h->xref;
/* The format appears to be:
* Xref: machine group:num group:num...
/* skip machine name */
while (*b > ' ') b++;
while (*b != 0)
while (*b == ' ') b++;
if (*b == 0) break;
/* now we are looking at the groupname */
g = group;
while (*b && (*b != ':')) *g++ = *b++;
if (*b++ == 0) break;
*g = 0;
num = atoi (b);
while ((*b <= '9') && (*b >= '0')) b++;
if ((num != h->number)
|| strcmp (group, Slrn_Current_Group_Name))
slrn_mark_article_as_read (group, num);
static void for_all_headers (void (*func)(Slrn_Header_Type *), int all) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h, *end;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
if (func == NULL) return;
if (all) end = NULL; else end = Slrn_Current_Header;
h = Headers;
while (h != end)
h = h->next;
int slrn_goto_header (Slrn_Header_Type *header, int read_flag) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_First_Header;
while ((h != NULL) && (h != header))
h = h->real_next;
if (h == NULL) return -1;
Slrn_Current_Header = h;
if (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN) slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (h, 0);
find_header_line_num ();
if (read_flag) select_article (1);
return 0;
/*{{{ parse_from */
static char *parse_from (char *from) /*{{{*/
static char buf[256], *b;
char ch, ch1;
/* Here I am assume the following:
* 1. parenthesis and double quotes are comments.
* 2. If a name is in <> it is given precedence
if (from == NULL) return NULL;
from = slrn_skip_whitespace (from);
b = buf;
/* strip comments */
while ((ch = *from++) != 0)
if (ch == '"')
ch1 = ch;
while (((ch = *from++) != 0) && (ch != ch1))
if (ch == 0) return NULL;
else if (ch == '(')
int nump = 1;
ch1 = ')';
while ((ch = *from++) != 0)
if (ch == '(') nump++;
else if (ch == ch1)
if (nump == 0) break;
if (ch == 0) return NULL;
else if (ch == ')') return NULL;
else if (ch != ' ') *b++ = ch;
*b = 0;
from = b = buf;
while ((ch = *from++) != 0)
if (ch == '<')
while (((ch = *from++) != 0) && (ch != '>'))
*b++ = ch;
if (ch == 0) return NULL;
*b = 0;
return buf;
/*{{{ fixup_realname */
static void fixup_realname (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
char *p, *pmin, *pmax;
if ((h->realname == NULL) || (h->realname_len == 0)) return;
pmin = h->realname;
p = pmin + (h->realname_len - 1);
while ((p >= pmin) && ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t'))) p--;
h->realname_len = (unsigned int) (p - pmin);
/* Check if realname is enclosed in "" and if so strip them off.
* Leave "" alone though.
if ((p > pmin + 2) &&
(*pmin == '"') && (*(p - 1) == '"'))
h->realname_len -= 2;
/* Look for a character in the range [A-Za-z]. If none, found use from.
p = h->realname;
pmax = p + h->realname_len;
/* Reject a realname of root */
if ((4 != h->realname_len)
|| (0 != strncmp (p, "root", 4)))
while (p < pmax)
char ch = *p;
if (isalpha ((unsigned char)ch)) return;
h->realname = parse_from (h->from);
if (h->realname == NULL)
h->realname = h->from;
h->realname_len = strlen (h->realname);
/*{{{ get_header_real_name */
static void get_header_real_name (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
register char *f, *f0, *f1;
register char ch;
char *from = h->from;
int n;
f = from;
while (((ch = *f) != 0) && (ch != '<') && (ch != '(')) f++;
if (ch == '(')
/* Look for a '<'. There is some probability that this is of the
* form: John Doe (800) 555-1212 <doe@nowhere.com>
f0 = f;
f1 = f + strlen (f);
while ((f1 > f) && (*f1 != ')') && (*f1 != '<')) f1--;
if (*f1 == '<')
ch = '<';
f = f1;
if (ch != '(')
if (ch == '<')
f1 = slrn_skip_whitespace (from);
if (*f1 == '<')
f = f1 + 1;
from = f;
while (((ch = *f) != 0) && (ch != '>')) f++;
h->realname = from;
h->realname_len = (unsigned int) (f - from);
fixup_realname (h);
f1 = f;
f0 = f + 1;
f0 = slrn_skip_whitespace (f0);
if (*f0 == ')')
h->realname = from;
h->realname_len = (unsigned int) (f1 - from);
fixup_realname (h);
f = f0;
n = 0;
while ((ch = *f) != 0)
if (ch == '(') n++;
else if (ch == ')')
if (n == 0) break;
h->realname = f0;
h->realname_len = (unsigned int) (f - f0);
fixup_realname (h);
static void extract_real_names (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Headers;
while (h != NULL)
get_header_real_name (h);
h = h->next;
static Slrn_Header_Type *find_header_from_msgid (char *r0, char *r1) /*{{{*/
unsigned long hash;
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
unsigned int len;
len = (unsigned int) (r1 - r0);
hash = slrn_compute_hash ((unsigned char *) r0, (unsigned char *) r1);
h = Header_Table[hash % HEADER_TABLE_SIZE];
while (h != NULL)
if (!slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *) h->msgid,
(unsigned char *) r0,
h = h->hash_next;
return h;
Slrn_Header_Type *slrn_find_header_with_msgid (char *msgid) /*{{{*/
return find_header_from_msgid (msgid, msgid + strlen (msgid));
static void goto_article (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
int want_n;
if (-1 == slrn_read_integer ("Goto article", NULL, &want_n))
h = Headers;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->number == want_n)
Slrn_Current_Header = h;
if (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN) slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (h, 0);
find_header_line_num ();
h = h->next;
slrn_error ("Article not found.");
int slrn_is_article_visible (void)
int mask = 0;
if ((Slrn_Current_Header != NULL)
&& Article_Visible)
if (Slrn_Current_Header == Header_Showing)
mask = 3;
mask = 1;
return mask;
static int unfold_art_header_lines (void)
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
char ch;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
if (l == NULL) return 0;
l = l->next;
while ((l != NULL) && (0 != (ch = l->buf[0])))
if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t'))
unsigned int len0, len1;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *prev;
char *new_buf;
l->buf[0] = ' ';
prev = l->prev;
len0 = strlen (prev->buf);
len1 = len0 + strlen (l->buf) + 1;
new_buf = slrn_realloc (prev->buf, len1, 1);
if (new_buf == NULL)
return -1;
prev->buf = new_buf;
strcpy (new_buf + len0, l->buf);
prev->next = l->next;
if (l->next != NULL) l->next->prev = prev;
SLFREE (l->buf);
l = prev;
l = l->next;
return 0;
static int read_article (Slrn_Header_Type *h, int kill_refs, int do_mime) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
unsigned int total_lines;
char buf[NNTP_BUFFER_SIZE], *b, *b1, ch;
unsigned int len;
int n = h->number;
Slrn_Header_Type *last_header_showing;
int num_lines_update;
int status;
last_header_showing = Header_Showing;
if (Header_Showing == h)
if (Slrn_Use_Mime == 0)
return 0;
if ((do_mime && Slrn_Mime_Was_Parsed)
|| ((do_mime == 0) && (Slrn_Mime_Was_Modified == 0)))
return 0; /* The cached copy is good */
if (h->tag_number) slrn_message_now ("#%2d/%-2d: Retrieving... %s",
h->tag_number, Num_Tag_List.len,
else slrn_message_now ("[%d]Reading...", h->number);
status = Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_select_article (n, h->msgid);
if (status != OK_ARTICLE)
if (status == -1)
slrn_error ("Server failed to return article.");
return -1;
slrn_error ("Article %d unavailable.", n);
if (kill_refs && ((h->flags & HEADER_READ) == 0))
kill_cross_references (h);
h->flags |= HEADER_READ;
return -1;
At_End_Of_Article = NULL;
Do_Rot13 = 0;
Article_Window_HScroll = 0;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
free_article ();
if ((num_lines_update = Slrn_Reads_Per_Update) < 5)
if (h->lines < 200)
num_lines_update = 20;
num_lines_update = 50;
total_lines = 0;
while (Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_read_line(buf, sizeof(buf)) != NULL)
if (SLang_Error == USER_BREAK)
if (Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_reset != NULL)
Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_reset ();
slrn_error ("Article transfer aborted.");
if (Slrn_Article_Lines == NULL)
return -1;
if ((1 == (total_lines % num_lines_update))
/* Just so the ratio does not confuse the reader because of the
* header lines...
&& (total_lines < (unsigned int) h->lines))
if (h->tag_number)
slrn_message_now ("#%2d/%-2d: Read %4d/%-4d lines (%s)",
h->tag_number, Num_Tag_List.len,
total_lines, h->lines, h->subject);
slrn_message_now ("[%d]Read %d/%d lines so far...",
h->number, total_lines, h->lines);
len = strlen (buf);
l = (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) slrn_malloc (sizeof(Slrn_Article_Line_Type),
1, 1);
if ((l == NULL)
|| (NULL == (l->buf = slrn_malloc (len + 1, 0, 1))))
slrn_free ((char *) l);
free_article ();
return -1;
/* here I am going to remove _^H combinations. Later, it will be a
* good idea to perform the implied underlining
b1 = l->buf;
b = buf;
if ((*b == '.') && (*(b + 1) == '.')) b++;
while (0 != (ch = *b++))
if ((ch == '_') && (*b == '\b'))
else *b1++ = ch;
*b1 = 0;
l->next = l->prev = NULL;
l->flags = 0;
if (Slrn_Article_Lines == NULL)
Slrn_Article_Lines = l;
/* l->next = Article_Current_Line->next; */
l->prev = Article_Current_Line;
Article_Current_Line->next = l;
/* if (l->next != NULL) l->next->prev = l; */
Article_Current_Line = l;
Article_Current_Line = Slrn_Article_Lines;
if (-1 == unfold_art_header_lines ())
free_article ();
return -1;
if (kill_refs && ((h->flags & HEADER_READ) == 0))
kill_cross_references (h);
h->flags |= HEADER_READ;
/* Do this now so that header lines are marked. Mime processing
* assumes this.
if (h == Slrn_Current_Header) hide_art_headers ();
/* This must be called before any of the other functions are called because
* they may depend upon the line number and window information.
init_article_window_struct ();
if (Slrn_Use_Mime && (h == Slrn_Current_Header))
/* Note: the mime routines assume that the article flags are valid.
* That is, a header line is given by line->flags & HEADER_LINE
slrn_mime_article_init ();
if (do_mime) slrn_mime_process_article ();
slrn_chmap_fix_body ();
if (last_header_showing != h)
Last_Read_Header = last_header_showing;
Header_Showing = h;
if (h == Slrn_Current_Header)
if (Slrn_Spoiler_Char) mark_spoilers ();
mark_quotes ();
/* mark_signature unmarks lines in the signature which look like
* quotes, so do it after mark_quotes, but before hide_quotes */
mark_signature ();
hide_quotes ();
if (Slrn_Wrap_Mode & 0x4) wrap_article ();
if (Last_Read_Header == NULL)
Last_Read_Header = h;
/* slrn_set_suspension (0); */
return 0;
/*{{{ reply, reply_cmd, forward, followup */
int slrn_insert_followup_format (char *f, FILE *fp) /*{{{*/
char ch, *s, *smax;
if (f == NULL)
return 0;
if (Slrn_Current_Header == NULL)
return 0;
while ((ch = *f++) != 0)
if (ch != '%')
putc (ch, fp);
s = smax = NULL;
ch = *f++;
if (ch == 0) break;
switch (ch)
case 's':
s = Slrn_Current_Header->subject;
case 'm':
s = Slrn_Current_Header->msgid;
case 'r':
s = Slrn_Current_Header->realname;
smax = s + Slrn_Current_Header->realname_len;
case 'f':
s = parse_from (Slrn_Current_Header->from);
case 'n':
#if 0
s = slrn_extract_header ("Newsgroups: ", 12);
s = Slrn_Current_Group_Name;
case 'd':
s = Slrn_Current_Header->date;
case '%':
putc (ch, fp);
if (s == NULL) continue;
if (smax == NULL) fputs (s, fp);
else fwrite (s, 1, (unsigned int) (smax - s), fp);
return 0;
static char *parse_reply_address (void)
char *from;
if (NULL == (from = slrn_extract_header ("Reply-To: ", 10)))
from = slrn_extract_header ("From: ", 6);
return parse_from (from);
/* If from != NULL, it's taken as the address to send the reply to, otherwise
* the reply address is taken from Reply-To: or From: */
static void reply (char *from) /*{{{*/
char *msgid, *subject, *f;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
FILE *fp;
char file[256];
unsigned int n;
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 1) < 0) return;
SLang_run_hooks ("reply_hook", 0);
if (SLang_Error)
/* Check for FQDN. If it appear bogus, warn user */
if (from == NULL) from = parse_reply_address ();
if ((from == NULL)
|| (NULL == (f = slrn_strchr (from, '@')))
|| (f == from)
|| (0 == slrn_is_fqdn (f + 1)))
if (0 == slrn_get_yesno (1, "%s appears invalid. Continue anyway",
((from == NULL) ? "Email address" : from)))
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir)
fp = slrn_open_tmpfile (file, "w");
else fp = slrn_open_home_file (SLRN_LETTER_FILENAME, "w", file, 0);
if (NULL == fp)
slrn_error ("Unable to open %s for writing.", file);
/* parse header */
msgid = slrn_extract_header ("Message-ID: ", 12);
subject = slrn_extract_header ("Subject: ", 9);
if (subject == NULL) subject = "";
subject = slrn_skip_whitespace (subject);
if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)"Re:", (unsigned char *)subject, 3))
subject = slrn_skip_whitespace (subject + 3);
n = 0;
fprintf (fp, "To: %s\nSubject: Re: %s\nIn-Reply-To: %s\n",
(from == NULL ? "" : from),
(msgid == NULL ? "" : msgid));
n += 3;
fprintf (fp, "From: %s\n", slrn_make_from_string ());
n += 1;
if (0 != *Slrn_User_Info.replyto)
fprintf (fp, "Reply-To: %s\n", Slrn_User_Info.replyto);
n += 1;
n += slrn_add_custom_headers (fp, Slrn_Reply_Custom_Headers, slrn_insert_followup_format);
fputs ("\n", fp);
slrn_insert_followup_format (Slrn_User_Info.reply_string, fp);
fputs ("\n", fp);
n += 2;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr == NULL)
while ((l != NULL) && (*l->buf != 0)) l = l->next;
if (l != NULL) l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%s%s\n",
((Slrn_Quote_String == NULL) ? ">" : Slrn_Quote_String),
l = l->next;
slrn_add_signature (fp);
slrn_fclose (fp);
slrn_mail_file (file, 1, n, from, subject);
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir) (void) slrn_delete_file (file);
static void reply_cmd (void) /*{{{*/
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 1) < 0) return;
if (Slrn_User_Wants_Confirmation
&& (slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Are you sure you want to reply") <= 0))
reply (NULL);
static void forward_article (void) /*{{{*/
char *subject;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
FILE *fp;
char file[256];
char to[256];
int edit;
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 1) < 0) return;
SLang_run_hooks ("forward_hook", 0);
if (SLang_Error)
*to = 0;
if (slrn_read_input ("Forward to (^G aborts)", NULL, to, 1, 0) <= 0)
slrn_error ("Aborted. An email address is required.");
if (-1 == (edit = slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Edit the message before sending")))
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir)
fp = slrn_open_tmpfile (file, "w");
else fp = slrn_open_home_file (SLRN_LETTER_FILENAME, "w", file, 0);
if (fp == NULL)
slrn_error ("Unable to open %s for writing.", file);
subject = slrn_extract_header ("Subject: ", 9);
fprintf (fp, "To: %s\nSubject: Fwd: %s\n",
to, subject == NULL ? "" : subject);
#if defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
fprintf (fp, "From: %s\n",
slrn_make_from_string ());
if (0 != *Slrn_User_Info.replyto)
fprintf (fp, "Reply-To: %s (%s)\n",
Slrn_User_Info.replyto, Slrn_User_Info.realname);
putc ('\n', fp);
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "%s\n", l->buf);
l = l->next;
slrn_fclose (fp);
(void) slrn_mail_file (file, edit, 3, to, subject);
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir) slrn_delete_file (file);
/* If prefix arg is 1, insert all headers. If it is 2, insert all headers
* but do not quote text nor attach signature. 2 is good for re-posting.
static void followup (void) /*{{{*/
char *msgid, *newsgroups, *subject, *xref, *quote_str, *cc_address;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
FILE *fp;
char file [SLRN_MAX_PATH_LEN];
unsigned int n;
int prefix_arg;
int perform_cc;
int free_cc_string = 0;
int strip_sig;
/* The perform_cc testing is ugly. Is there an easier way?? */
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 1) < 0) return;
SLang_run_hooks ("followup_hook", 0);
if (SLang_Error)
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL)
prefix_arg = *Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr;
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
else prefix_arg = -1;
strip_sig = ((prefix_arg == -1) && Slrn_Followup_Strip_Sig);
if (Slrn_User_Wants_Confirmation
&& (slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Are you sure you want to followup") <= 0))
/* Here is the logic:
* If followup-to contains an email address, use that as a CC.
* If followup-to contains 'poster', use poster's email address.
* Otherwise, check for mail-copies-to header. If its value is 'never'
* do not add cc header. If it is 'always', add it. If neither of these,
* assume it is an email address and use that.
* Otherwise, use email addresss.
perform_cc = -1; /* Don't know */
cc_address = NULL;
if (NULL != (newsgroups = slrn_extract_header ("Followup-To: ", 13)))
newsgroups = slrn_skip_whitespace (newsgroups);
cc_address = parse_from (newsgroups);
if (cc_address != NULL)
int is_poster;
is_poster = (0 == slrn_case_strcmp ((unsigned char *) cc_address,
(unsigned char *) "poster"));
if (is_poster
|| (NULL != slrn_strchr (cc_address, '@')))
/* The GNU newsgroups appear to have email addresses in the
* Followup-To header. Yuk.
if (is_poster) cc_address = parse_reply_address ();
if (slrn_get_yesno (1, "Do you want to reply to POSTER as poster prefers"))
reply (cc_address);
newsgroups = NULL;
/* Add "Cc:" regardless of user settings */
perform_cc = -1;
/* Some mailing lists have a Mail-Followup-To header. But do this if there
* is no Newsgroups header.
if (newsgroups == NULL)
char *mail_followupto;
if (NULL == (newsgroups = slrn_extract_header ("Newsgroups: ", 12)))
newsgroups = "";
if ((*newsgroups == 0)
&& (NULL != (mail_followupto = slrn_extract_header ("Mail-Followup-To: ", 18)))
&& (NULL != (mail_followupto = parse_from (mail_followupto))))
/* This looks like a mailing list. Just reply */
reply (mail_followupto);
if (Slrn_Post_Obj->po_can_post == 0)
slrn_error ("Posting not allowed by server");
if ((newsgroups == NULL)
/* Hmm.. I have also seen an empty Followup-To: header on a GNU
* newsgroup.
|| (*newsgroups == 0))
if (NULL == (newsgroups = slrn_extract_header ("Newsgroups: ", 12)))
newsgroups = "";
if (perform_cc == -1)
if ((NULL != (cc_address = slrn_extract_header ("X-Mail-Copies-To: ", 18)))
|| (NULL != (cc_address = slrn_extract_header ("Mail-Copies-To: ", 16))))
/* Original poster has requested a certain cc-ing behaviour
* which should override whatever default the user has set */
cc_address = parse_from (cc_address);
if ((cc_address == NULL)
|| (0 == strcmp (cc_address, "never"))
|| (0 == strcmp (cc_address, "nobody")))
perform_cc = 0;
cc_address = NULL;
perform_cc = 1;
if (0 == strcmp (cc_address, "always"))
cc_address = NULL;
if (prefix_arg == 2)
perform_cc = 0;
if (cc_address == NULL)
cc_address = parse_reply_address ();
if ((perform_cc != 0)
&& (cc_address != NULL))
int cc_hook_status;
if (-1 == (cc_hook_status = SLang_run_hooks ("cc_hook", 1, cc_address)))
if (cc_hook_status == 1)
if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&cc_address))
free_cc_string = 1;
if (*cc_address == 0)
perform_cc = 0;
if (perform_cc)
if ((0 != (perform_cc = Slrn_Auto_CC_To_Poster))
&& (-1 == (perform_cc = slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Cc message to poster"))))
goto free_and_return;
if (perform_cc)
char *ff;
if ((NULL == (ff = slrn_strchr (cc_address, '@')))
|| (ff == cc_address)
|| (0 == slrn_is_fqdn (ff + 1))
|| (strlen (ff + 1) < 5))
perform_cc = slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("%s appears invalid. CC anyway", cc_address);
if (perform_cc < 0)
goto free_and_return;
msgid = slrn_extract_header ("Message-ID: ", 12);
if (NULL != (subject = slrn_extract_header ("Subject: ", 9)))
subject = slrn_skip_whitespace (subject);
if (((*subject | 0x20) == 'r')
&& ((*(subject + 1) | 0x20) == 'e')
&& (*(subject + 2) == ':'))
subject = slrn_skip_whitespace (subject + 3);
else subject = "";
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir)
fp = slrn_open_tmpfile (file, "w");
else fp = slrn_open_home_file (SLRN_FOLLOWUP_FILENAME, "w", file, 0);
if (fp == NULL)
slrn_error ("Unable to open %s for writing.", file);
goto free_and_return;
fprintf (fp, "Newsgroups: %s\nSubject: Re: %s\n",
newsgroups, subject); n = 3;
xref = slrn_extract_header("References: ", 12);
if (msgid != NULL)
if (xref == NULL)
fprintf (fp, "References: %s\n", msgid);
fprintf (fp, "References: %s %s\n", xref, msgid);
if (Slrn_User_Info.org != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "Organization: %s\n", Slrn_User_Info.org);
if (perform_cc
&& (cc_address != NULL))
fprintf (fp, "Cc: %s\n", cc_address);
if (0 != *Slrn_User_Info.replyto)
fprintf (fp, "Reply-To: %s\n", Slrn_User_Info.replyto);
fprintf (fp, "Followup-To: \n");
n += slrn_add_custom_headers (fp, Slrn_Followup_Custom_Headers, slrn_insert_followup_format);
fputs ("\n", fp);
if (prefix_arg != 2)
slrn_insert_followup_format (Slrn_User_Info.followup_string, fp);
fputs ("\n", fp);
n += 1; /* by having + 1, the cursor will be
* placed on the first line of message.
/* skip header */
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
if (prefix_arg == -1)
while ((l != NULL) && (*l->buf != 0)) l = l->next;
if (l != NULL) l = l->next;
if (prefix_arg == 2) quote_str = "";
else if (NULL == (quote_str = Slrn_Quote_String))
quote_str = ">";
while (l != NULL)
if ((l->next != NULL) && (l->next->flags & WRAPPED_LINE))
unwrap_line (l->next);
if (strip_sig
&& (l->flags & SIGNATURE_LINE))
fprintf (fp, "%s%s\n", quote_str, l->buf);
l = l->next;
if (prefix_arg != 2) slrn_add_signature (fp);
slrn_fclose (fp);
if (slrn_edit_file (Slrn_Editor_Post, file, n, 1) >= 0)
if (0 == slrn_post_file (file, cc_address, 0))
/* Success. */
if (Slrn_Last_Message_Id != NULL)
/* Later I want to actually get the article from the server
* and display it. Of course I can only do it if I know
* the message-id. If Slrn_Last_Message_Id is non-null,
* then slrn generated the message-id and we can do it.
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir) (void) slrn_delete_file (file);
if (free_cc_string && (cc_address != NULL))
SLang_free_slstring (cc_address);
/* Copy a message, adding a "Supersedes: " header for the message it replaces.
* Not all headers of original are preserved; notably Cc is discarded.
static void supersede (void) /*{{{*/
char *msgid, *newsgroups, *subject, *xref;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
FILE *fp;
char file[SLRN_MAX_PATH_LEN];
unsigned int n;
char *from;
char me[256];
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 1) < 0)
SLang_run_hooks ("supersede_hook", 0);
if (SLang_Error)
if (Slrn_User_Wants_Confirmation
&& (slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Are you sure you want to supersede") <= 0))
from = slrn_extract_header ("From: ", 6);
if (from != NULL) from = parse_from (from);
if (from == NULL) from = "";
sprintf (me, "%s@%s", Slrn_User_Info.username, Slrn_User_Info.hostname);
if (slrn_case_strcmp ((unsigned char *) from, (unsigned char *) me))
slrn_error ("Failed: Your name: '%s' is not '%s'", me, from);
if (NULL == (newsgroups = slrn_extract_header ("Newsgroups: ", 12)))
newsgroups = "";
if (NULL == (subject = slrn_extract_header ("Subject: ", 9)))
subject = "";
if (NULL == (msgid = slrn_extract_header ("Message-ID: ", 12)))
msgid = "";
xref = slrn_extract_header("References: ", 12);
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir)
fp = slrn_open_tmpfile (file, "w");
else fp = slrn_open_home_file (SLRN_FOLLOWUP_FILENAME, "w", file, 0);
if (fp == NULL)
slrn_error ("Unable to open %s for writing.", file);
fprintf (fp, "Newsgroups: %s\nSubject: %s\nSupersedes: %s\n",
newsgroups, subject, msgid); n = 3;
if (xref != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "References: %s\n", xref);
if (Slrn_User_Info.org != NULL)
fprintf (fp, "Organization: %s\n", Slrn_User_Info.org);
if (0 != *Slrn_User_Info.replyto)
fprintf (fp, "Reply-To: %s\n", Slrn_User_Info.replyto);
fprintf (fp, "Followup-To: \n");
fputs ("\n", fp);
n += 1;
/* skip header */
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while ((l != NULL) && (*l->buf != 0)) l = l->next;
if (l != NULL) l = l->next;
while (l != NULL)
if ((l->next != NULL) && (l->next->flags & WRAPPED_LINE))
unwrap_line (l->next);
fprintf (fp, "%s\n", l->buf);
l = l->next;
slrn_fclose (fp);
if (slrn_edit_file (Slrn_Editor_Post, file, n, 1) >= 0)
if (0 == slrn_post_file (file, NULL, 0))
if (Slrn_Use_Tmpdir) (void) slrn_delete_file (file);
/*{{{ header movement functions */
unsigned int slrn_header_down_n (unsigned int n, int err) /*{{{*/
unsigned int m;
m = SLscroll_next_n (&Slrn_Header_Window, n);
Slrn_Current_Header = (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.current_line;
if (err && (m != n))
slrn_error ("End of buffer.");
return m;
static void header_down (void) /*{{{*/
slrn_header_down_n (1, 1);
unsigned int slrn_header_up_n (unsigned int n, int err) /*{{{*/
unsigned int m;
m = SLscroll_prev_n (&Slrn_Header_Window, n);
Slrn_Current_Header = (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.current_line;
if (err && (m != n))
slrn_error ("Top of buffer.");
return m;
static void header_up (void) /*{{{*/
slrn_header_up_n (1, 1);
static void header_pageup (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
if (-1 == SLscroll_pageup (&Slrn_Header_Window))
slrn_error ("Top of buffer.");
Slrn_Current_Header = (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.current_line;
static void header_pagedn (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
if (-1 == SLscroll_pagedown (&Slrn_Header_Window))
slrn_error ("End of buffer.");
Slrn_Current_Header = (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.current_line;
static void header_bob (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Current_Header = Headers;
find_header_line_num ();
static void header_eob (void) /*{{{*/
while (0xFFFF == slrn_header_down_n (0xFFFF, 0));
static int prev_unread (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
h = Slrn_Current_Header -> prev;
while (h != NULL)
if (0 == (h->flags & HEADER_READ)) break;
h = h->prev;
if (h == NULL)
slrn_message ("No previous unread articles.");
return 0;
Slrn_Current_Header = h;
if (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (h, 0);
find_header_line_num ();
return 1;
static void goto_last_read (void) /*{{{*/
if (Last_Read_Header == NULL) return;
slrn_goto_header (Last_Read_Header, 1);
static void art_prev_unread (void) /*{{{*/
if (prev_unread () && Article_Visible) art_pagedn ();
int slrn_next_unread_header (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
h = Slrn_Current_Header->next;
while (h != NULL)
if (0 == (h->flags & HEADER_READ)) break;
h = h->next;
if (h == NULL)
slrn_message ("No following unread articles.");
return 0;
Slrn_Current_Header = h;
if (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (h, 0);
find_header_line_num ();
return 1;
static void art_next_unread (void) /*{{{*/
char ch;
unsigned char ch1;
if (slrn_next_unread_header ())
if (Article_Visible) art_pagedn ();
if (Slrn_Query_Next_Group == 0)
skip_to_next_group ();
if (Slrn_Batch) return;
ch1 = SLang_Last_Key_Char;
if (ch1 == 27) ch1 = 'n';
slrn_message_now ("No following unread articles. Press %s for next group.",
map_char_to_string (ch1));
ch = SLang_getkey ();
if ((unsigned char)ch == ch1)
skip_to_next_group ();
else SLang_ungetkey (ch);
static void next_high_score (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *l;
l = Slrn_Current_Header->next;
while (l != NULL)
if (l->flags & HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)
l = l->next;
if (l == NULL)
slrn_error ("No more high scoring articles.");
if (l->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN) slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (l, 0);
Slrn_Current_Header = l;
find_header_line_num ();
if (Article_Visible)
if (Header_Showing != Slrn_Current_Header)
art_pagedn ();
static Slrn_Header_Type *Same_Subject_Start_Header;
static void next_header_same_subject (void) /*{{{*/
SLsearch_Type st;
Slrn_Header_Type *l;
static char same_subject[256];
if ((Same_Subject_Start_Header == NULL)
|| (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL))
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
if (slrn_read_input ("Subject", same_subject, NULL, 0, 0) <= 0) return;
Same_Subject_Start_Header = Slrn_Current_Header;
SLsearch_init (same_subject, 1, 0, &st);
l = Slrn_Current_Header->next;
while (l != NULL)
if (
#if 0
/* Do we want to do this?? */
((l->flags & HEADER_READ) == 0) &&
(l->subject != NULL)
&& (NULL != SLsearch ((unsigned char *) l->subject,
(unsigned char *) l->subject + strlen (l->subject),
l = l->next;
if (l == NULL)
slrn_error ("No more articles on that subject.");
l = Same_Subject_Start_Header;
Same_Subject_Start_Header = NULL;
if (l->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN) slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (l, 0);
Slrn_Current_Header = l;
find_header_line_num ();
if ((Same_Subject_Start_Header != NULL)
&& (Article_Visible))
art_pagedn ();
static void goto_header_number (void) /*{{{*/
int diff, i, ich;
if (Slrn_Batch) return;
i = 0;
ich = SLang_Last_Key_Char;
i = i * 10 + (ich - '0');
if (10 * i > Largest_Header_Number)
ich = '\r';
slrn_message_now ("Goto Header: %d", i);
while ((ich = SLang_getkey ()), (ich <= '9') && (ich >= '0'));
if (SLKeyBoard_Quit) return;
if (ich != '\r')
SLang_ungetkey (ich);
diff = i - Last_Cursor_Row;
if (diff > 0) slrn_header_down_n (diff, 0); else slrn_header_up_n (-diff, 0);
SLang_run_hooks ("header_number_hook", 0);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/*{{{ article save/decode functions */
static int write_article_lines (FILE *fp)
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
char *buf;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *next = l->next;
buf = l->buf;
if (l->flags & WRAPPED_LINE) buf++; /* skip space */
if (EOF == fputs (buf, fp))
return -1;
if ((next == NULL) || (0 == (next->flags & WRAPPED_LINE)))
if (EOF == putc ('\n', fp))
return -1;
l = next;
return 0;
int slrn_save_current_article (char *file) /*{{{*/
FILE *fp = NULL;
if (Slrn_Current_Header == NULL)
return -1;
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 0) < 0)
return -1;
fp = fopen (file, "w");
if (fp == NULL)
slrn_error ("Unable to open %s.", file);
return -1;
if (-1 == write_article_lines (fp))
slrn_error ("Error writing to %s.", file);
fclose (fp);
return -1;
fclose (fp);
return 0;
static int save_article_as_unix_mail (Slrn_Header_Type *h, FILE *fp) /*{{{*/
char *from;
time_t now;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
int is_wrapped;
if (read_article (h, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 0) < 0) return -1;
is_wrapped = Article_Wrapped;
if (is_wrapped) unwrap_article ();
from = slrn_extract_header ("From: ", 6);
if (from != NULL) from = parse_from (from);
if ((from == NULL) || (*from == 0)) from = "nobody@nowhere";
time (&now);
fprintf (fp, "From %s %s", from, ctime(&now));
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
if ((*l->buf == 'F')
&& !strncmp ("From", l->buf, 4)
&& ((unsigned char)(l->buf[4]) <= ' '))
putc ('>', fp);
fputs (l->buf, fp);
putc ('\n', fp);
l = l->next;
fputs ("\n\n", fp);
if (is_wrapped) wrap_article ();
return 0;
static char *save_article_to_file (char *defdir, char *input_string) /*{{{*/
char file[256];
char name[256];
int save_tagged = 0;
int save_thread = 0;
int save_simple;
FILE *fp;
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
return NULL;
if (Num_Tag_List.len)
save_tagged = slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Save tagged articles");
if (save_tagged < 0) return NULL;
else if ((Slrn_Current_Header->child != NULL)
&& (Slrn_Current_Header->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN))
save_thread = slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Save this thread");
if (save_thread == -1) return NULL;
save_simple = !(save_tagged || save_thread);
if (*Output_Filename == 0)
#ifdef VMS
char *p;
unsigned int defdir_len;
if (defdir == NULL) defdir = "News";
defdir_len = strlen (defdir);
#ifdef VMS
sprintf (name, "%s/", defdir);
p = name + strlen (name);
strcpy (p, Slrn_Current_Group_Name);
while (*p != 0)
if (*p == '.') *p = '_';
strcpy (p, ".txt");
sprintf (name, "%s/%s", defdir, Slrn_Current_Group_Name);
#if !defined(VMS) && !defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
/* Lowercase first letter and see if it exists. */
name[defdir_len + 1] = LOWER_CASE(name[defdir_len + 1]);
slrn_make_home_filename (name, file);
#if !defined(VMS) && !defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
if (1 != slrn_file_exists (file))
/* Lowercase version does not exist so user uppercase form. */
name[defdir_len + 1] = UPPER_CASE(name[defdir_len + 1]);
slrn_make_home_filename (name, file);
else strcpy (file, Output_Filename);
if (slrn_read_input (input_string, NULL, file, 1, 1) <= 0)
slrn_error ("Aborted.");
return NULL;
if (NULL == (fp = fopen (file, "a")))
slrn_error ("Unable to open %s", file);
return NULL;
strcpy (Output_Filename, file);
if (save_simple) save_article_as_unix_mail (Slrn_Current_Header, fp);
else if (save_tagged)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int num_saved = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Num_Tag_List.len; i++)
if (-1 == save_article_as_unix_mail (Num_Tag_List.headers[i], fp))
slrn_smg_refresh ();
if (SLang_Error == SL_USER_BREAK)
SLang_Error = 0;
(void) SLang_input_pending (5); /* half second delay */
slrn_clear_message ();
else num_saved++;
if (num_saved == 0) return NULL;
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_Current_Header;
unsigned int num_saved = 0;
if (-1 == save_article_as_unix_mail (h, fp))
slrn_smg_refresh ();
SLang_Error = 0;
(void) SLang_input_pending (5); /* half second delay */
else num_saved++;
h = h->next;
while ((h != NULL) && (h->parent != NULL));
if (num_saved == 0) return NULL;
slrn_fclose (fp);
if (SLang_Error) return NULL;
return Output_Filename;
static void save_article (void) /*{{{*/
(void) save_article_to_file (Slrn_Save_Directory, "Save to file (^G aborts)");
static int the_uudeview_busy_callback (void *param, uuprogress *progress)
char stuff[26];
unsigned int count, count_max;
int pcts;
char *ptr;
if (progress->action != UUACT_DECODING)
return 0;
pcts = (int)((100 * progress->partno + progress->percent - 100) / progress->numparts);
count_max = sizeof (stuff) - 1;
for (count = 0; count < count_max; count++)
stuff[count] = (count < pcts/4) ? '#' : '.';
stuff [count_max] = 0;
slrn_message_now ("decoding %10s (%3d/%3d) %s",
progress->partno, progress->numparts,
return 0;
static int do_slrn_uudeview (char *uu_dir, char *file)
uulist *item;
char where [SLRN_MAX_PATH_LEN];
int i, ret;
slrn_make_home_dirname (uu_dir, where);
/* this is expecting a '/' at the end...so we put one there */
strcat (where, "/");
ret = UUInitialize ();
ret = UUSetBusyCallback (NULL, the_uudeview_busy_callback, 100);
ret = UUSetOption (UUOPT_DESPERATE, 1, NULL);
ret = UUSetOption (UUOPT_SAVEPATH, 0, where);
if (UURET_OK != (ret = UULoadFile (file, NULL, 0)))
/* Not all systems have strerror... */
if (ret == UURET_IOERR)
slrn_error ("could not load %s: errno = %d",
file, UUGetOption (UUOPT_ERRNO, NULL, NULL, 0));
slrn_error ("could not load %s: %s", UUstrerror (ret));
i = 0;
while (NULL != (item = UUGetFileListItem (i)))
if (UURET_OK != (ret = UUDecodeFile (item, NULL)))
char *f;
char *err;
if (NULL == (f = item->filename)) f = "oops";
if (ret == UURET_IOERR) err = "I/O error.";
else err = UUstrerror (ret);
slrn_error ("error decoding %s: %s", f, err);
UUCleanUp ();
static void decode_article (void) /*{{{*/
char *uu_dir;
char *file;
if (NULL == (uu_dir = Slrn_Decode_Directory))
uu_dir = Slrn_Save_Directory;
else *Output_Filename = 0; /* force it to use this directory */
file = save_article_to_file(uu_dir, "Filename (^G aborts)");
if (file == NULL) return;
if (1 == slrn_get_yesno (1, "decode %s", file))
(void) do_slrn_uudeview (uu_dir, file);
# else
(void) slrn_uudecode_file (file, NULL, 0, NULL);
# endif
if (SLang_Error == 0)
if (1 == slrn_get_yesno (1, "Delete %s", file))
if (-1 == slrn_delete_file (file))
slrn_error ("Unable to delete %s", file);
/* Since we have a decode directory, do not bother saving this */
if (NULL != Slrn_Decode_Directory)
*Output_Filename = 0;
#endif /* SLRN_HAS_DECODE */
/*{{{ pipe_article functions */
int slrn_pipe_article_to_cmd (char *cmd) /*{{{*/
FILE *fp;
if (-1 == select_article (1))
return -1;
if (NULL == (fp = slrn_popen (cmd, "w")))
slrn_error ("Unable to open pipe to %s", cmd);
return -1;
if (-1 == write_article_lines (fp))
slrn_pclose (fp);
return -1;
slrn_pclose (fp);
return 0;
slrn_error ("Piping not implemented on this system.");
return -1;
static void pipe_article (void) /*{{{*/
static char cmd[256];
if (slrn_read_input ("Pipe to command", NULL, cmd, 1, 1) <= 0)
slrn_error ("Aborted. Command name is required.");
if (-1 == slrn_pipe_article_to_cmd (cmd))
slrn_message ("Error piping to %s.", cmd);
slrn_error ("Piping not implemented on this system.");
static int print_article (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Print_Type *p;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
if (-1 == select_article (1))
return -1;
slrn_message_now ("Printing article...");
p = slrn_open_printer ();
if (p == NULL)
return -1;
l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
while (l != NULL)
if ((-1 == slrn_write_to_printer (p, l->buf, strlen (l->buf)))
|| (-1 == slrn_write_to_printer (p, "\n", 1)))
slrn_close_printer (p);
return -1;
l = l->next;
if (-1 == slrn_close_printer (p))
return -1;
slrn_message_now ("Printing article...done");
return 0;
static void print_article_cmd (void) /*{{{*/
if (Slrn_User_Wants_Confirmation
&& (slrn_get_yesno_cancel ("Are you sure you want to print the article") <= 0))
(void) print_article ();
/*{{{ sorting header functions */
static int subject_cmp (register unsigned char *sa, register unsigned char *sb) /*{{{*/
register unsigned char ch;
/* skip past re: */
while (*sa == ' ') sa++;
while (*sb == ' ') sb++;
ch = *sa;
if (((ch | 0x20) == 'r') && ((*(sa + 1) | 0x20) == 'e')
&& (*(sa + 2) == ':'))
sa += 3;
ch = *sb;
if (((ch | 0x20) == 'r') && ((*(sb + 1) | 0x20) == 'e')
&& (*(sb + 2) == ':'))
sb += 3;
while (1)
register unsigned char cha, chb;
while (*sa == ' ') sa++;
while (*sb == ' ') sb++;
cha = UPPER_CASE(*sa);
chb = UPPER_CASE(*sb);
if (cha != chb)
return (int) cha - (int) chb;
if (cha == 0)
return 0;
/* return slrn_case_strcmp ((unsigned char *) sa, (unsigned char *) sb); */
static int header_subj_cmp (Slrn_Header_Type **ap, Slrn_Header_Type **bp) /*{{{*/
int cmp;
Slrn_Header_Type *a = *ap, *b = *bp;
int ahigh, bhigh;
ahigh = (0 != (a->flags & (HEADER_HIGH_SCORE | FAKE_HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)));
bhigh = (0 != (b->flags & (HEADER_HIGH_SCORE | FAKE_HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)));
if (ahigh == bhigh)
cmp = subject_cmp ((unsigned char *) (a->subject),
(unsigned char *) (b->subject));
if (!cmp) return a->number - b->number;
else cmp = bhigh - ahigh;
return cmp;
static int header_date_cmp (Slrn_Header_Type **ap, Slrn_Header_Type **bp) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *a = *ap, *b = *bp;
long ahigh, bhigh;
ahigh = (0 != (a->flags & (HEADER_HIGH_SCORE | FAKE_HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)));
bhigh = (0 != (b->flags & (HEADER_HIGH_SCORE | FAKE_HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)));
if (ahigh == bhigh)
ahigh = slrn_date_to_order_parm (a->date);
bhigh = slrn_date_to_order_parm (b->date);
if (Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_SUBJECT)
long tmp = ahigh;
ahigh = bhigh;
bhigh = tmp;
if (ahigh == bhigh)
return a->number - b->number;
return (int) (bhigh - ahigh);
typedef int (*Header_Cmp_Func_Type)(Slrn_Header_Type **, Slrn_Header_Type **);
static void sort_by_function (Header_Cmp_Func_Type cmp_func) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type **header_list, *h;
unsigned int i, nheaders;
void (*qsort_fun) (char *, unsigned int,
unsigned int, int (*)(Slrn_Header_Type **, Slrn_Header_Type **));
/* This is a silly hack to make up for braindead compilers and the lack of
* uniformity in prototypes for qsort.
qsort_fun = (void (*)(char *, unsigned int,
unsigned int, int (*)(Slrn_Header_Type **, Slrn_Header_Type **)))
/* Count the number we need to sort. */
nheaders = 0;
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->parent == NULL) nheaders++;
h = h->real_next;
if (nheaders < 2) return;
if (NULL == (header_list = (Slrn_Header_Type **) SLCALLOC (sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type *), nheaders + 1)))
slrn_error ("sort_headers(): memory allocation failure.");
h = Slrn_First_Header;
nheaders = 0;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->parent == NULL)
header_list[nheaders++] = h;
h = h->real_next;
header_list[nheaders] = NULL;
(*qsort_fun) ((char *) header_list, nheaders, sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type *), cmp_func);
/* What to do now depends upon the current threading state. */
if (Headers_Threaded == 0)
header_list[0]->next = header_list[1];
header_list[0]->prev = NULL;
for (i = 1; i < nheaders; i++)
h = header_list[i];
h->next = header_list[i + 1];
h->prev = header_list[i - 1];
slrn_collapse_threads (0);
/* The headers are threaded so we simply have sorted parents. Arrange
* those.
h = NULL;
for (i = 0; i <= nheaders; i++)
Slrn_Header_Type *h1 = header_list[i];
if (h != NULL)
h->sister = h1;
while (h->child != NULL)
h = h->child;
while (h->sister != NULL) h = h->sister;
h->next = h1;
if (h1 != NULL) h1->prev = h;
h = h1;
Headers = header_list[0];
find_header_line_num ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
SLFREE (header_list);
if (Slrn_Threads_Visible)
slrn_uncollapse_threads (1);
static void sort_by_subject (void) /*{{{*/
sort_by_function (header_subj_cmp);
static void sort_by_date (void) /*{{{*/
sort_by_function (header_date_cmp);
static int header_score_cmp (Slrn_Header_Type **a, Slrn_Header_Type **b) /*{{{*/
/* sort by *descending* score */
int cmp = (*b)->thread_score - (*a)->thread_score;
if (cmp == 0)
if (Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_SUBJECT)
return header_subj_cmp (a, b);
return (*a)->number - (*b)->number;
return cmp;
static void sort_by_score (void) /*{{{*/
sort_by_function (header_score_cmp);
static void sort_by_server_number (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
/* This is easy since the real_next, prev are already ordered. */
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *next = h->real_next;
h->next = h->real_next;
h->prev = h->real_prev;
h->num_children = 0;
h->sister = h->parent = h->child = NULL;
h = next;
/* Now find out where to put the Headers pointer */
while (Headers->prev != NULL) Headers = Headers->prev;
Headers_Threaded = 0;
find_header_line_num ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void sort_by_threads (void) /*{{{*/
thread_headers ();
sort_threads ();
if (Slrn_Threads_Visible)
slrn_uncollapse_threads (1);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
Headers_Threaded = 1;
static void toggle_sort (void) /*{{{*/
int rsp;
rsp = slrn_sbox_sorting_method ();
if (rsp != -1)
Slrn_Sorting_Mode = rsp;
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
static void sort_by_sorting_mode (void) /*{{{*/
if ((Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_THREADS) == 0)
sort_by_server_number ();
sort_by_threads ();
if (Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_DATE)
sort_by_date ();
else if (Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_SUBJECT)
sort_by_subject ();
if (Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_SCORE)
sort_by_score ();
/*{{{ Thread related functions */
static void find_non_hidden_header (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_Current_Header;
while ((h != NULL) && (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN))
h = h->prev;
if (h == NULL)
h = Slrn_Current_Header;
while ((h != NULL) && (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN))
h = h->next;
Slrn_Current_Header = h;
/* This function cannot depend upon routines which call SLscroll functions if
* sync_now is non-zero.
void slrn_collapse_threads (int sync_now) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_First_Header;
if ((h == NULL)
|| (Threads_Collapsed == 1))
while (h != NULL)
if (h->parent != NULL) h->flags |= HEADER_HIDDEN;
h->flags &= ~HEADER_HIDDEN;
h = h->real_next;
find_non_hidden_header ();
if (sync_now) find_header_line_num ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
Threads_Collapsed = 1;
void slrn_uncollapse_threads (int sync_now) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_First_Header;
if ((h == NULL)
|| (0 == Threads_Collapsed))
while (h != NULL)
h->flags &= ~HEADER_HIDDEN;
h = h->real_next;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
Threads_Collapsed = 0;
if (sync_now) find_header_line_num ();
static void uncollapse_header (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
h->flags &= ~HEADER_HIDDEN;
static void collapse_header (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
h->flags |= HEADER_HIDDEN;
static void for_this_tree (Slrn_Header_Type *h, void (*f)(Slrn_Header_Type *)) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *child = h->child;
while (child != NULL)
for_this_tree (child, f);
child = child->sister;
(*f) (h);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void for_this_family (Slrn_Header_Type *h, void (*f)(Slrn_Header_Type *)) /*{{{*/
while (h != NULL)
for_this_tree (h, f);
h = h->sister;
void slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Header_Type *h, int sync_linenum) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *child;
/* if (Threads_Collapsed == 0) return; */
while (h->parent != NULL) h = h->parent;
if ((child = h->child) == NULL) return;
if (0 == (child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)) return;
for_this_family (child, uncollapse_header);
if (sync_linenum)
find_header_line_num ();
Threads_Collapsed = -1; /* uncertain */
void slrn_collapse_this_thread (Slrn_Header_Type *h, int sync_linenum) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *child;
/* if (Threads_Collapsed == 1) return; */
while (h->parent != NULL) h = h->parent;
if ((child = h->child) == NULL) return;
if (child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN) return;
for_this_family (child, collapse_header);
if (sync_linenum)
find_header_line_num ();
Threads_Collapsed = -1; /* uncertain */
static void toggle_collapse_threads (void) /*{{{*/
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL)
if (Threads_Collapsed == 1)
slrn_uncollapse_threads (0);
else slrn_collapse_threads (0);
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
if (0 == slrn_is_thread_collapsed (Slrn_Current_Header))
slrn_collapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 0);
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 0);
find_non_hidden_header ();
find_header_line_num ();
static Slrn_Header_Type *sort_thread_node (Slrn_Header_Type *h, char *tree) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *last = NULL;
static unsigned int level;
unsigned char vline_char;
if (h == NULL) return NULL;
vline_char = Graphic_VLine_Char;
while (1)
last = h;
if (h->child != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *child = h->child;
unsigned int tree_level;
unsigned int save_level = level;
h->next = child;
child->prev = h;
if (level == 0)
if (h->flags & FAKE_CHILDREN)
if ((child->flags & FAKE_PARENT) == 0)
level = 1;
else if (h->flags & FAKE_PARENT)
if (h->sister != NULL) tree[0] = vline_char;
else tree[0] = ' ';
tree[1] = ' ';
level = 1;
tree_level = 2 * level - 2;
if (level && (tree_level < sizeof (h->tree) - 2))
if (h->sister != NULL)
if (((h->sister->flags & FAKE_PARENT) == 0)
|| (h->flags & FAKE_PARENT))
tree[tree_level] = vline_char;
else tree[tree_level] = ' ';
if ((h->parent == NULL) && (h->flags & FAKE_CHILDREN))
tree[tree_level] = vline_char;
else tree[tree_level] = ' ';
tree[tree_level + 1] = ' ';
tree[tree_level + 2] = 0;
last = sort_thread_node (h->child, tree);
if (level &&
((tree_level < sizeof (h->tree) - 2)))
tree[tree_level] = 0;
level = save_level;
if (h->flags & FAKE_PARENT) *tree = 0;
if (*tree)
strncpy ((char *) h->tree, tree, sizeof (h->tree) - 1);
h->tree[sizeof (h->tree) - 1] = 0;
h = h->sister;
last->next = h;
if (h == NULL) break;
h->prev = last;
return last;
static unsigned int compute_num_children (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
unsigned int n = 0, dn;
h = h->child;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->child == NULL) dn = 0;
dn = compute_num_children (h);
n += dn;
h->num_children = dn;
h = h->sister;
return n;
unsigned int slrn_thread_size (Slrn_Header_Type *h)
if (h == NULL) return 0;
return 1 + compute_num_children (h);
int slrn_is_thread_collapsed (Slrn_Header_Type *h)
if (h == NULL) return 1;
while (h->parent != NULL) h = h->parent;
if (h->child == NULL) return 0;
return (h->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN);
static void sort_threads (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
char tree[MAX_TREE_SIZE];
h = Slrn_First_Header;
Headers = NULL;
if (h == NULL) return;
while (h != NULL)
if ((h->parent == NULL) && (Headers == NULL))
Headers = h;
h->prev = h->next = NULL;
h->flags &= ~HEADER_HIDDEN;
h = h->real_next;
Threads_Collapsed = 0;
if (Headers == NULL)
slrn_exit_error ("Internal Error.");
*tree = 0;
sort_thread_node (Headers, tree);
while (Headers->prev != NULL) Headers = Headers->prev;
slrn_collapse_threads (0);
h = Headers;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->child == NULL) h->num_children = 0;
Slrn_Header_Type *next;
h->num_children = compute_num_children (h);
next = h->next;
while ((next != NULL) && (next->parent != NULL))
if (next->flags & HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)
if (next->score > h->thread_score)
h->thread_score = next->score;
if (next->flags & HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)
next = next->next;
h = h->sister;
find_header_line_num ();
static void link_same_subjects (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type **header_list, *h;
unsigned int i, nparents;
void (*qsort_fun) (char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, int (*)(Slrn_Header_Type **, Slrn_Header_Type **));
/* This is a silly hack to make up for braindead compilers and the lack of
* uniformity in prototypes for qsort.
qsort_fun = (void (*)(char *,
unsigned int, unsigned int,
int (*)(Slrn_Header_Type **, Slrn_Header_Type **)))
h = Slrn_First_Header;
nparents = 0;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->parent == NULL)
h = h->real_next;
if (nparents < 2) return;
if (NULL == (header_list = (Slrn_Header_Type **) SLCALLOC (sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type *), nparents)))
slrn_error ("link_same_subjects: memory allocation failure.");
h = Slrn_First_Header;
i = 0;
while (i < nparents)
if (h->parent == NULL) header_list[i++] = h;
h = h->real_next;
(*qsort_fun) ((char *) header_list,
nparents, sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type *), header_subj_cmp);
h = header_list[0];
for (i = 1; i < nparents; i++)
Slrn_Header_Type *h1 = header_list[i];
if (0 == subject_cmp ((unsigned char *) h->subject,
(unsigned char *) h1->subject))
if (h->child == NULL)
h->child = h1;
Slrn_Header_Type *child = h->child;
while (child->sister != NULL) child = child->sister;
child->sister = h1;
h1->parent = h;
h->flags |= FAKE_CHILDREN;
h1->flags |= FAKE_PARENT;
if (h1->flags & FAKE_CHILDREN)
/* Well, we have to link them up to the new parent. That
* is, h1 will become their sister. So, extract the
* adopted children of h1 and make them the sister,
Slrn_Header_Type *child = h1->child, *last_child;
last_child = child;
/* child CANNOT be NULL here!! (the parent claims to have
children) */
child = child->sister;
while (child != NULL)
if (child->flags & FAKE_PARENT)
last_child = child;
child = child->sister;
if (last_child->flags & FAKE_PARENT)
child = last_child;
h1->child = NULL;
else last_child->sister = NULL;
last_child = child;
while (child != NULL)
child->parent = h;
/* No need to set fake parent flags since fake children
* are all group together. That is, once you loop
* through the sisters and find one, you have found them
* all.
child = child->sister;
/* Now h1 will become the sister. */
child = h1;
while (child->sister != NULL) child = child->sister;
child->sister = last_child;
h1->flags &= ~FAKE_CHILDREN;
else h = h1;
SLFREE (header_list);
typedef struct /*{{{*/
unsigned long ref_hash;
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
static void link_lost_relatives (void) /*{{{*/
unsigned int n, i, j;
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
Relative_Type *relatives;
/* count the number of possible relatives */
n = 0;
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
if ((h->parent == NULL)
&& (h->refs != NULL)
&& (*h->refs != 0)) n++;
h = h->real_next;
if (n < 2) return;
relatives = (Relative_Type *) slrn_malloc (sizeof (Relative_Type) * n, 0, 0);
if (relatives == NULL)
n = 0;
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
if ((h->parent == NULL)
&& (h->refs != NULL)
&& (*h->refs != 0))
unsigned char *r, *ref_begin;
r = (unsigned char *) h->refs;
while (*r && (*r != '<')) r++;
if (*r == '<')
ref_begin = r;
while (*r && (*r != '>')) r++;
if (*r == '>') r++;
relatives[n].ref_hash = slrn_compute_hash (ref_begin, r);
relatives[n].h = h;
h = h->real_next;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
unsigned long ref_hash;
Relative_Type *ri = relatives + i;
Slrn_Header_Type *rih;
ref_hash = ri->ref_hash;
rih = ri->h;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (relatives[j].ref_hash == ref_hash)
Slrn_Header_Type *rjh = relatives[j].h;
if (Slrn_New_Subject_Breaks_Threads
&& (rih->subject != NULL)
&& (rjh->subject != NULL)
&& (0 != subject_cmp ((unsigned char *)rih->subject, (unsigned char *)rjh->subject)))
if (rih->parent != NULL)
rih->sister = rjh;
rjh->parent = rih->parent;
else if (rih->child == NULL)
rih->child = rjh;
rjh->parent = rih;
rih->flags |= FAKE_CHILDREN;
Slrn_Header_Type *child = rih->child;
/* This is an important step. All adopted children
* get linked to the LAST child. This ordering
* assumption is used elsewhere.
while (child->sister != NULL) child = child->sister;
child->sister = rjh;
rjh->parent = rih;
rih->flags |= FAKE_CHILDREN;
rjh->flags |= FAKE_PARENT;
SLFREE (relatives);
static void thread_headers (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h, *ref;
char *r0, *r1, *rmin;
make_hash_table ();
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
h->next = h->prev = h->child = h->parent = h->sister = NULL;
h->flags &= ~ALL_THREAD_FLAGS;
*h->tree = 0;
h = h->real_next;
/* SLMEMSET ((char *) Lost_Ancestors, 0, sizeof (Lost_Ancestors)); */
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
if (*h->refs == 0)
h = h->real_next;
rmin = h->refs;
r1 = rmin + strlen (rmin);
while (1)
while ((r1 > rmin) && (*r1 != '>')) r1--;
r0 = r1 - 1;
while ((r0 >= rmin) && (*r0 != '<')) r0--;
if ((r0 < rmin) || (r1 == rmin)) break;
ref = find_header_from_msgid (r0, r1 + 1);
if (ref != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *child, *rparent;
if (Slrn_New_Subject_Breaks_Threads
&& (h->subject != NULL)
&& (ref->subject != NULL)
&& (0 != subject_cmp ((unsigned char *)h->subject, (unsigned char *)ref->subject)))
rparent = ref;
while (rparent->parent != NULL) rparent = rparent->parent;
if (rparent == h)
/* self referencing!!! */
slrn_error ("Article %d is part of reference loop!", h->number);
h->parent = ref;
child = ref->child;
if (child == NULL) ref->child = h;
while (child->sister != NULL) child = child->sister;
child->sister = h;
r1 = r0;
h = h->real_next;
/* No perform a re-arrangement such that those with the no parents but
* share the same reference are placed side-by-side as sisters.
link_lost_relatives ();
/* Now perform sort on subject to catch those that have fallen through the
* cracks, i.e., no references */
link_same_subjects ();
/* Now link others up as sisters */
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while ((h != NULL) && (h->parent != NULL))
h = h->real_next;
while (h != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *next;
next = h->real_next;
while ((next != NULL) && (next->parent != NULL))
next = next->real_next;
h->sister = next;
h = next;
/*{{{ select_article */
/* returns 0 if article selected, -1 if something went wrong or 1 if article
* already selected.
static int select_article (int do_mime) /*{{{*/
int ret = 1;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
if (Slrn_Current_Header != Header_Showing)
if (read_article (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Del_Article_Upon_Read, 1) < 0) return -1;
if (do_mime && Slrn_Use_Mime && Slrn_Mime_Needs_Metamail)
if (slrn_mime_call_metamail ())
return -1;
ret = 0;
set_article_visibility (1);
return ret;
/*{{{ mark_spot and exchange_mark */
static void mark_spot (void) /*{{{*/
Mark_Header = Slrn_Current_Header;
slrn_message ("Mark set.");
static void exchange_mark (void) /*{{{*/
if (Mark_Header == NULL)
slrn_error ("Mark not set.");
if (-1 == slrn_goto_header (Mark_Header, 0)) return;
mark_spot ();
/*{{{ subject/author header searching commands */
static void header_generic_search (int dir, int type) /*{{{*/
static char search_str[256];
SLsearch_Type st;
Slrn_Header_Type *l;
char prompt[80];
sprintf (prompt, "%s Search %s",
type == 's' ? "Subject" : "Author",
dir > 0 ? "Forward" : "Backward");
if (slrn_read_input (prompt, search_str, NULL, 0, 0) <= 0)
SLsearch_init (search_str, 1, 0, &st);
if (dir > 0) l = Slrn_Current_Header->next;
else l = Slrn_Current_Header->prev;
while (l != NULL)
if (type == 's')
if ((l->subject != NULL)
&& (NULL != SLsearch ((unsigned char *) l->subject,
(unsigned char *) l->subject + strlen (l->subject),
else if ((l->from != NULL)
&& (NULL != SLsearch ((unsigned char *) l->from,
(unsigned char *) l->from + strlen (l->from),
if (dir > 0) l = l->next; else l = l->prev;
if (l == NULL)
slrn_error ("Not found.");
if (l->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN) slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (l, 0);
Slrn_Current_Header = l;
find_header_line_num ();
static void subject_search_forward (void) /*{{{*/
header_generic_search (1, 's');
static void subject_search_backward (void) /*{{{*/
header_generic_search (-1, 's');
static void author_search_forward (void) /*{{{*/
header_generic_search (1, 'a');
static void author_search_backward (void) /*{{{*/
header_generic_search (-1, 'a');
/*{{{ score header support */
/*{{{ kill list functions */
typedef struct Kill_List_Type /*{{{*/
#define MAX_DKILLS 50
int nums[MAX_DKILLS];
unsigned int num_used;
struct Kill_List_Type *next;
static Kill_List_Type *Kill_List;
static Kill_List_Type *Missing_Article_List;
static Kill_List_Type *add_to_specified_kill_list (int num, Kill_List_Type *root) /*{{{*/
if (num < 0) return root;
if ((root == NULL) || (root->num_used == MAX_DKILLS))
Kill_List_Type *k;
k = (Kill_List_Type *) SLMALLOC (sizeof (Kill_List_Type));
if (k == NULL) return root;
k->num_used = 0;
k->next = root;
root = k;
root->nums[root->num_used++] = num;
return root;
static void add_to_kill_list (int num) /*{{{*/
Kill_List = add_to_specified_kill_list (num, Kill_List);
static void add_to_missing_article_list (int num) /*{{{*/
Missing_Article_List = add_to_specified_kill_list (num, Missing_Article_List);
static void free_specific_kill_list_and_update (Kill_List_Type *k) /*{{{*/
while (k != NULL)
Kill_List_Type *next = k->next;
unsigned int i, imax = k->num_used;
int *nums = k->nums;
if (User_Aborted_Group_Read == 0) for (i = 0; i < imax; i++)
slrn_mark_article_as_read (NULL, nums[i]);
k = next;
static void free_kill_lists_and_update (void) /*{{{*/
free_specific_kill_list_and_update (Kill_List);
Kill_List = NULL;
Number_Killed = 0;
free_specific_kill_list_and_update (Missing_Article_List);
Missing_Article_List = NULL;
Slrn_Header_Type *slrn_set_header_score (Slrn_Header_Type *h,
int score, int apply_kill)
if (h == NULL) return NULL;
if (score >= Slrn_High_Score_Min)
h->flags &= ~(HEADER_LOW_SCORE);
h->flags |= HEADER_HIGH_SCORE;
else if (score < Slrn_Low_Score_Max)
if ((score <= Slrn_Kill_Score_Max) && apply_kill)
int number = h->number;
free_header (h);
add_to_kill_list (number);
return NULL;
h->flags &= ~(HEADER_HIGH_SCORE);
/* The next line should be made configurable */
kill_cross_references (h);
h->thread_score = h->score = score;
return h;
/*{{{ apply_score */
static Slrn_Header_Type *apply_score (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
int score;
if (h == NULL) return h;
if (Slrn_Apply_Score && Perform_Scoring)
score = slrn_score_header (h, Slrn_Current_Group_Name);
else score = 0;
return slrn_set_header_score (h, score, 1);
/*{{{ score_headers */
static void score_headers (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_First_Header;
int percent, last_percent, delta_percent;
int num;
if ((h == NULL) || (Slrn_Apply_Score == 0)) return;
/* slrn_set_suspension (1); */
percent = num = 0;
delta_percent = (30 * 100) / Total_Num_Headers + 1;
last_percent = -delta_percent;
while (h != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *prev, *next;
prev = h->real_prev;
next = h->real_next;
percent = (100 * num) / Total_Num_Headers;
if (percent >= last_percent + delta_percent)
slrn_message_now ("Scoring articles: %2d%%, Killed: %u, High: %u, Low: %u",
percent, Number_Killed, Number_High_Scored, Number_Low_Scored);
last_percent = percent;
h = apply_score (h);
if (h == NULL)
if (prev == NULL)
Slrn_First_Header = next;
prev->next = prev->real_next = next;
if (next != NULL)
next->prev = next->real_prev = prev;
h = next;
Slrn_Current_Header = Headers = Slrn_First_Header;
/* slrn_set_suspension (0); */
static void create_score (void) /*{{{*/
if (Slrn_Batch) return;
(void) slrn_edit_score (Slrn_Current_Header, Slrn_Current_Group_Name);
/*{{{ get headers from server and process_xover */
static Slrn_Header_Type *process_xover (Slrn_XOver_Type *xov)
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
h = (Slrn_Header_Type *) slrn_safe_malloc (sizeof (Slrn_Header_Type));
slrn_map_xover_to_header (xov, h);
if ((Slrn_Score_After_XOver == 0) && Perform_Scoring)
if (NULL == (h = apply_score (h)))
return h;
if (Slrn_Use_Mime)
slrn_rfc1522_decode_string (h->subject);
slrn_rfc1522_decode_string (h->from);
if (Slrn_Use_Group_Lens)
h->gl_rating = h->gl_pred = -1;
return h;
/*{{{ get_headers from server */
static int get_headers (int min, int max, int *totalp) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
/* int percent, last_percent, dpercent, */
int expected_num;
int scoring;
int total = *totalp;
int reads_per_update;
int num_processed;
int err;
Slrn_XOver_Type xov;
if (total == 0)
return 0;
if (SLang_Error == USER_BREAK)
return -1;
scoring = Perform_Scoring && !Slrn_Score_After_XOver;
if ((reads_per_update = Slrn_Reads_Per_Update) < 5)
reads_per_update = 50;
if (scoring) reads_per_update = reads_per_update / 3 + 1;
/* slrn_set_suspension (1); */
err = slrn_open_xover (min, max);
if (err != OK_XOVER)
if (err == ERR_NOARTIG) /* no articles in the range */
return 0;
return -1;
num_processed = 0;
expected_num = min;
while (slrn_read_xover(&xov) > 0)
int this_num;
int num = Total_Num_Headers + Number_Killed + num_processed;
if (SLang_Error == USER_BREAK)
if (Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_reset != NULL)
Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_reset ();
return -1;
this_num = xov.id;
if (expected_num != this_num)
int bad_num;
total -= (this_num - expected_num);
for (bad_num = expected_num; bad_num < this_num; bad_num++)
add_to_missing_article_list (bad_num);
expected_num = this_num + 1;
h = process_xover (&xov);
if ((1 == (num % reads_per_update))
&& (SLang_Error == 0))
if (scoring)
slrn_message_now ("Headers Received and Scored: %3d/%-3d, Killed: %u, High: %u, Low: %u",
num, total,
Number_Killed, Number_High_Scored, Number_Low_Scored);
slrn_message_now ("Headers Received: %2d/%d", num, total);
if (h == NULL) continue;
if (Slrn_First_Header == NULL)
Slrn_First_Header = Headers = h;
h->real_next = Slrn_Current_Header->real_next;
h->real_prev = Slrn_Current_Header;
Slrn_Current_Header->real_next = h;
if (h->real_next != NULL)
h->real_next->real_prev = h;
Slrn_Current_Header = h;
slrn_close_xover ();
if (expected_num != max + 1)
int bad_num;
total -= (max - expected_num) + 1;
for (bad_num = expected_num; bad_num <= max; bad_num++)
add_to_missing_article_list (bad_num);
/* slrn_set_suspension (0); */
*totalp = total;
Total_Num_Headers += num_processed;
return (int) num_processed;
/*{{{ get parent/children headers, etc... */
/* Nothing is synced by this routine. It is up to the calling routine. */
static void insert_header (Slrn_Header_Type *ref) /*{{{*/
int n, id;
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
Slrn_Range_Type *r;
ref->hash_next = Header_Table[ref->hash % HEADER_TABLE_SIZE];
Header_Table[ref->hash % HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] = ref;
n = ref->number;
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->number >= n)
ref->real_next = h;
ref->real_prev = h->real_prev;
if (h->real_prev != NULL) h->real_prev->real_next = ref;
h->real_prev = ref;
if (h == Slrn_First_Header) Slrn_First_Header = ref;
if (h == Headers) Headers = ref;
h = h->real_next;
if (h == NULL)
h = Slrn_First_Header;
while (h->real_next != NULL) h = h->real_next;
ref->real_next = NULL;
ref->real_prev = h;
h->real_next = ref;
if ((id = ref->number) <= 0) return;
/* Set the flags for this guy. */
r = Current_Group->range.next;
while (r != NULL)
if (r->min > id) break;
if (r->max >= id)
ref->flags = HEADER_READ;
r = r->next;
ref->flags &= ~HEADER_READ;
/* line number is not synced. */
static int get_header_by_message_id (char *msgid,
int no_error_no_thread,
int query_server) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *ref;
Slrn_XOver_Type xov;
if ((msgid == NULL) || (*msgid == 0)) return -1;
ref = find_header_from_msgid (msgid, msgid + strlen (msgid));
if (ref != NULL)
Slrn_Current_Header = ref;
if (no_error_no_thread == 0)
find_header_line_num ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
return 0;
if (query_server == 0)
return -1;
slrn_message_now ("Finding %s from server...", msgid);
/* Try reading it from the server */
if (-1 == slrn_xover_for_msgid (msgid, &xov))
if (no_error_no_thread == 0)
slrn_error ("Article %s not available.", msgid);
return -1;
return 1;
ref = process_xover (&xov);
if (ref == NULL) return -1;
get_header_real_name (ref);
insert_header (ref);
Slrn_Current_Header = ref;
if (no_error_no_thread == 0)
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
return 0;
/* returns -1 if not implemented or the number of children returned from
* the server. It does not sync line number.
static int find_children_headers (Slrn_Header_Type *parent) /*{{{*/
int id_array[1000];
int num_ids, i, id;
char *fmt = "Finding children from server...[%c]";
char *meter_chars = "|/-\\";
static unsigned int last_meter_char;
if (OK_HEAD != Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_xpat_cmd ("References",
Slrn_Server_Min, Slrn_Server_Max,
slrn_error ("Your server does not provide support for this feature.");
return -1;
if (meter_chars[last_meter_char] == 0)
last_meter_char = 0;
slrn_message_now (fmt, meter_chars[last_meter_char]);
num_ids = 0;
while (Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_read_line (buf, sizeof (buf) - 1) != NULL)
if (meter_chars[last_meter_char] == 0)
last_meter_char = 0;
slrn_message_now (fmt, meter_chars[last_meter_char]);
id = atoi (buf);
if (id <= 0) continue;
if (NULL != find_header_from_serverid (id)) continue;
id_array[num_ids] = id;
for (i = 0; i < num_ids; i++)
Slrn_XOver_Type xov;
id = id_array[i];
if (OK_XOVER != slrn_open_xover (id, id))
/* This will loop once. */
while (slrn_read_xover (&xov) > 0)
Slrn_Header_Type *bad_h, *h;
h = process_xover (&xov);
if (h == NULL) continue;
/* We may already have this header. How is this possible?
* If the header was retrieved sometime earlier via HEAD
* <msgid>, the server may not have returned the article
* number. As a result, that header may have a number
* of -1. Here, we really have the correct article
* number since the previous while loop made sure of that.
* So, before inserting it, check to see whether or not we
* have it and if so, fixup the id.
bad_h = slrn_find_header_with_msgid (h->msgid);
if (bad_h != NULL)
bad_h->number = h->number;
free_header (h);
get_header_real_name (h);
insert_header (h);
slrn_close_xover ();
return num_ids;
/* Line number not synced. */
static void get_children_headers_1 (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
while (h != NULL)
(void) find_children_headers (h);
if (h->child != NULL)
get_children_headers_1 (h->child);
h = h->sister;
static void get_children_headers (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
/* slrn_set_suspension (1); */
if (find_children_headers (Slrn_Current_Header) < 0)
/* slrn_set_suspension (0); */
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
h = Slrn_Current_Header->child;
if (h != NULL)
/* Now walk the tree getting children headers. For efficiency,
* only children currently threaded will be searched. Hopefully the
* above attempt got everything. If other newsreaders did not chop off
* headers, this would be unnecessary!
get_children_headers_1 (h);
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
/* slrn_set_suspension (0); */
static void get_parent_header (void) /*{{{*/
char *r1, *r0, *rmin;
unsigned int len;
char buf[512];
int no_error_no_thread;
Slrn_Header_Type *last_header;
if (Slrn_Current_Header == NULL) return;
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr == NULL) no_error_no_thread = 0;
else no_error_no_thread = 1;
last_header = NULL;
r1 = rmin = NULL;
rmin = Slrn_Current_Header->refs;
if (rmin == NULL) break;
if (last_header != Slrn_Current_Header)
last_header = Slrn_Current_Header;
r1 = rmin + strlen (rmin);
while ((r1 > rmin) && (*r1 != '>')) r1--;
r0 = r1 - 1;
while ((r0 >= rmin) && (*r0 != '<')) r0--;
if ((r0 < rmin) || (r1 == rmin))
if (no_error_no_thread) break;
slrn_error ("Article has no parent reference.");
len = (unsigned int) ((r1 + 1) - r0);
strncpy (buf, r0, len);
buf[len] = 0;
r1 = r0;
while ((get_header_by_message_id (buf, no_error_no_thread, 1) >= 0)
&& no_error_no_thread);
if (no_error_no_thread)
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
if (SLKeyBoard_Quit == 0) get_children_headers ();
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
slrn_chmap_fix_headers (); /* We didn't decode parent headers */
int slrn_locate_header_by_msgid (char *msgid, int query_server)
if (0 == get_header_by_message_id (msgid, 0, query_server))
/* The actual header might be part of a collapsed thread. If so, then
* the current header may not be the one we are seeking.
* Check the message-id and retry with the thread uncollapsed
* if this is the case.
if ((Slrn_Current_Header->msgid == NULL)
|| (0 != strcmp (Slrn_Current_Header->msgid, msgid)))
slrn_uncollapse_this_thread (Slrn_Current_Header, 1);
(void) get_header_by_message_id (msgid, 0, 0);
return 0;
return -1;
static void locate_header_by_msgid (void) /*{{{*/
char msgid[256];
*msgid = 0;
if (slrn_read_input ("Enter Message-Id", NULL, msgid, 1, 0) <= 0) return;
(void) slrn_locate_header_by_msgid (msgid, 1);
/*{{{ article window display modes */
static void hide_article (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
if (Article_Visible == 0)
select_article (1);
set_article_visibility (0);
Article_Window_HScroll = 0;
static void zoom_article_window (void)
int zoomed_rows;
if (Article_Visible == 0)
hide_article ();
if (Article_Visible == 0)
zoomed_rows = SLtt_Screen_Rows - 3;
if (zoomed_rows == Article_Window_Nrows)
/* already zoomed. Unzoom */
Article_Window_Nrows = 0;
Article_Window_Nrows = zoomed_rows;
art_winch ();
int slrn_is_article_win_zoomed (void)
return (Article_Window_Nrows == SLtt_Screen_Rows - 3);
static void art_left (void) /*{{{*/
if ((Article_Visible == 0)
|| (Article_Window_HScroll == 0))
if (Header_Window_HScroll == 0) return;
Header_Window_HScroll -= SLtt_Screen_Cols / 5;
if (Header_Window_HScroll < 0) Header_Window_HScroll = 0;
if (Article_Window_HScroll == 0) return;
Article_Window_HScroll -= (SLtt_Screen_Cols * 2) / 3;
if (Article_Window_HScroll < 0) Article_Window_HScroll = 0;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void art_right (void) /*{{{*/
if (Article_Visible == 0)
Header_Window_HScroll += SLtt_Screen_Cols / 5;
Article_Window_HScroll += (SLtt_Screen_Cols * 2) / 3;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/*{{{ rot13 and spoilers */
static void toggle_rot13 (void) /*{{{*/
Do_Rot13 = !Do_Rot13;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void show_spoilers (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l1 = NULL;
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Slrn_Article_Lines;
/* first find the first spoiler-ed line */
while ((l != NULL) &&
(0 == (l->flags & SPOILER_LINE)))
l = l->next;
if (l1 == NULL) l1 = l;
/* now un-spoiler until we hit an un-spoiler-ed line */
while ((l != NULL) && (l->flags & SPOILER_LINE))
l->flags &= ~SPOILER_LINE;
l = l->next;
} /* Prefix arg means un-spoiler the whole article */
while ((l != NULL)
&& ((Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL)
|| (Slrn_Spoiler_Display_Mode & 2)));
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
if ((Slrn_Spoiler_Display_Mode & 1) && (l1 != NULL))
Article_Current_Line = l1;
find_article_line_num ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/*{{{ hide/toggle quotes */
/* Does NOT update article line number */
static void hide_quotes (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l = Slrn_Article_Lines, *last = NULL;
while (l != NULL)
if (l->flags & QUOTE_LINE)
if (Quotes_Hidden && (last != NULL)) l->flags |= HIDDEN_LINE;
else l->flags &= ~HIDDEN_LINE;
last = l;
else last = NULL;
l = l->next;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/* This function needs generalized on an article by article basis */
static void toggle_quotes (void) /*{{{*/
Quotes_Hidden = !Quotes_Hidden;
hide_quotes ();
find_article_line_num ();
static void toggle_headers (void) /*{{{*/
Headers_Hidden_Mode = !Headers_Hidden_Mode;
hide_art_headers ();
find_article_line_num ();
if (Headers_Hidden_Mode == 0) art_bob ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/*{{{ leave/suspend article mode and support functions */
#if 0
static void update_ranges (void) /*{{{*/
int min, max;
int queued = 0;
Slrn_Range_Type *r, *r_save;
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_First_Header;
int save_min, save_max, save_dirty;
if (User_Aborted_Group_Read) return;
/* skip articles for which the numeric id was not available */
while ((h != NULL) && (h->number < 0)) h = h->real_next;
if (h == NULL) return;
/* we are creating new ranges so steal old. */
r = Current_Group->range.next;
Current_Group->range.next = NULL;
/* Save the range context because we will do a comparison to see whether
* or not the group was modified.
r_save = r;
save_min = Current_Group->range.min;
save_max = Current_Group->range.max;
save_dirty = Slrn_Groups_Dirty;
/* fill in range for articles prior to current group of headers. This
* is done in two parts. First, mark as read everything up to the
* first article on the server plus what we have read after that. Then,
* fill in the gap for articles on the server up to this group.
max = Slrn_Server_Min - 1;
min = h->number; /* starting number of headers */
/* Part one. Skip past ranges that are below the server minimum number.
* They will be fused together.
while ((r != NULL) && (r->min <= max))
if (r->max >= max)
max = r->max;
if (max >= min) max = min - 1;
r = r->next;
r = r->next;
slrn_add_group_ranges (Current_Group, 1, max);
/* second part */
while ((r != NULL) && (r->min < min))
max = r->max;
if (max >= min) max = min - 1;
slrn_add_group_ranges (Current_Group, r->min, max);
r = r->next;
/* Now handle ranges in the current group.
queued = 0;
max = Slrn_Server_Max;
while (h != NULL)
max = h->number;
if (h->flags & HEADER_READ)
queued = 1;
if (queued || (min != max))
slrn_add_group_ranges (Current_Group, min, max - 1);
queued = 0;
min = max + 1; /* mark next number as start of
* a read range. We mark it now
* because h->next->number might not
* be max + 1.
h = h->real_next;
if (queued == 0) min = max + 1;
slrn_add_group_ranges (Current_Group, min, Slrn_Server_Max);
Slrn_Groups_Dirty = 1;
if ((save_dirty == 0)
&& (Current_Group->range.min == save_min)
&& (Current_Group->range.max == save_max)
&& (Current_Group->range.next != r_save))
/* Compare the newly constructed ranges to the old. If they differ
* then things were changed.
Slrn_Range_Type *new_r;
new_r = Current_Group->range.next;
r = r_save;
while ((new_r != NULL) && (r != NULL)
&& (new_r->min == r->min)
&& (new_r->max == r->max))
new_r = new_r->next;
r = r->next;
if ((new_r == NULL) && (r == NULL))
Slrn_Groups_Dirty = save_dirty;
r = r_save;
while (r != NULL)
r_save = r->next;
r = r_save;
static void update_ranges (void) /*{{{*/
int min, max;
Slrn_Range_Type *r, *r_save;
Slrn_Header_Type *h, *h1;
int save_min, save_max, save_dirty;
char *list;
unsigned int i, imax, num;
if (User_Aborted_Group_Read) return;
h = Slrn_First_Header;
/* skip articles for which the numeric id was not available */
while ((h != NULL) && (h->number < 0)) h = h->real_next;
if (h == NULL) return;
/* Create a list of read articles and compare them with what
* is in the group range. First find the min and max possible
* article numbers.
min = Slrn_Server_Min;
max = Slrn_Server_Max;
if (max < min) max = min;
num = (unsigned int) (max - min + 1);
list = slrn_safe_malloc (num);
/* Mark all numbers in the list as unread (0) */
memset (list, 0, num);
/* Now make list consistent with the already read group ranges */
r = Current_Group->range.next;
while (r != NULL)
int this_max, this_min;
this_min = r->min;
this_max = r->max;
if (this_min < min)
this_min = min;
if (this_max > max)
max = this_max;
if (this_max >= min)
i = (unsigned int) (this_min - min);
imax = (unsigned int) (this_max - min);
while (i <= imax)
list[i] = 1;
r = r->next;
/* Use the current headers to fixup the list */
h1 = h;
while (h1 != NULL)
if ((h1->number >= min) && (h1->number <= max))
list[h1->number - min] = (h1->flags & HEADER_READ);
h1 = h1->real_next;
/* Finally, update the ranges based on this list */
/* we are creating new ranges so steal old and save the range context
* because we will do a comparison to see whether or not the group
* was modified.
r_save = Current_Group->range.next;
Current_Group->range.next = NULL;
save_min = Current_Group->range.min;
save_max = Current_Group->range.max;
save_dirty = Slrn_Groups_Dirty;
/* Mark all articles up to the start of the list as read */
slrn_add_group_ranges (Current_Group, 1, min - 1);
i = 0;
while (i < num)
if (list[i] == 0)
imax = i;
while ((imax < num) && (list[imax] != 0))
slrn_add_group_ranges (Current_Group,
min + (int)i, min + (int) (imax - 1));
i = imax;
Slrn_Groups_Dirty = 1;
if ((save_dirty == 0)
&& (Current_Group->range.min == save_min)
&& (Current_Group->range.max == save_max)
&& (Current_Group->range.next != NULL))
/* Compare the newly constructed ranges to the old. If they differ
* then things were changed.
Slrn_Range_Type *new_r;
new_r = Current_Group->range.next;
r = r_save;
while ((new_r != NULL) && (r != NULL)
&& (new_r->min == r->min)
&& (new_r->max == r->max))
new_r = new_r->next;
r = r->next;
if ((new_r == NULL) && (r == NULL))
Slrn_Groups_Dirty = save_dirty;
/* Finally delete the saved ranges */
r = r_save;
while (r != NULL)
r_save = r->next;
slrn_free ((char *) r);
r = r_save;
slrn_free (list);
/*{{{ art_quit */
static void art_quit (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Headers, *next;
(void) SLang_run_hooks ("article_mode_quit_hook", 0);
slrn_init_hangup_signals (0);
if (Slrn_Use_Group_Lens) slrn_put_grouplens_scores ();
free_article ();
free_kill_lists_and_update ();
free_tag_list ();
slrn_close_score ();
if (h != NULL)
update_ranges ();
while (h != NULL)
next = h->next;
free_header (h);
h = next;
Slrn_First_Header = Headers = Slrn_Current_Header = NULL;
SLMEMSET ((char *) &Slrn_Header_Window, 0, sizeof (SLscroll_Window_Type));
Total_Num_Headers = 0;
Current_Group = NULL;
Last_Read_Header = NULL;
*Output_Filename = 0;
Same_Subject_Start_Header = NULL;
Slrn_Current_Group_Name = NULL;
/* Since this function may get called before the mode is pushed,
* only pop it if the mode is really article mode.
if ((Slrn_Current_Mode != NULL)
&& (Slrn_Current_Mode->mode == SLRN_ARTICLE_MODE))
slrn_pop_mode ();
slrn_init_hangup_signals (1);
static void skip_to_next_group (void) /*{{{*/
art_quit ();
slrn_select_next_group ();
static void skip_to_prev_group (void) /*{{{*/
art_quit ();
slrn_select_prev_group ();
static void fast_quit (void) /*{{{*/
art_quit ();
slrn_group_quit ();
static void art_suspend_cmd (void) /*{{{*/
int rows = SLtt_Screen_Rows;
slrn_suspend_cmd ();
if (rows != SLtt_Screen_Rows)
art_winch_sig (rows, -1);
/*{{{ art_xpunge */
static void art_xpunge (void) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *save, *next, *h;
free_article ();
free_kill_lists_and_update ();
save = Headers;
if (Headers != NULL)
update_ranges ();
while (Headers != NULL)
if (0 == (Headers->flags & HEADER_READ))
Headers = Headers->next;
if (Headers == NULL)
Headers = save;
art_quit ();
if ((Num_Tag_List.len != 0)
&& (Num_Tag_List.headers != NULL))
unsigned int i, j;
Slrn_Header_Type *th;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Num_Tag_List.len; i++)
th = Num_Tag_List.headers[i];
if (th->flags & HEADER_READ)
th->tag_number = 0;
th->flags &= ~HEADER_NTAGGED;
Num_Tag_List.headers [j] = th;
th->tag_number = j;
Num_Tag_List.len = j;
next = Slrn_Current_Header;
while (next != NULL)
if (0 == (next->flags & HEADER_READ))
next = next->next;
if (next == NULL)
next = Slrn_Current_Header;
while (next != NULL)
if (0 == (next->flags & HEADER_READ))
next = next->prev;
Slrn_Current_Header = next; /* cannot be NULL */
h = Slrn_First_Header;
/* h cannot be NULL here*/
while (1)
next = h->real_next;
if (0 == (h->flags & HEADER_READ))
free_header (h);
h = next;
Slrn_First_Header = h;
h->real_prev = NULL;
while (h != NULL)
Slrn_Header_Type *next_next;
next = h->real_next;
while (next != NULL)
next_next = next->real_next;
if (0 == (next->flags & HEADER_READ))
free_header (next);
next = next_next;
h->real_next = next;
if (next != NULL)
next->real_prev = h;
h = next;
Last_Read_Header = NULL;
h = Headers = Slrn_First_Header;
Headers->prev = NULL;
while (h != NULL)
h->next = next = h->real_next;
if (next != NULL)
next->prev = h;
h = next;
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/*{{{ cancel_article */
static void cancel_article (void) /*{{{*/
char *from, *msgid, *newsgroups, *dist;
char me[256];
if (-1 == slrn_check_batch ())
if (-1 == select_article (0)) return;
slrn_update_screen ();
if (slrn_get_yesno (0, "Are you sure that you want to cancel this article") <= 0)
slrn_message_now ("Cancelling...");
/* TO cancel, we post a cancel message with a 'control' header. First, check to
* see if this is really the owner of the message.
from = slrn_extract_header ("From: ", 6);
if (from != NULL) from = parse_from (from);
if (from == NULL) from = "";
sprintf (me, "%s@%s", Slrn_User_Info.username, Slrn_User_Info.hostname);
if (slrn_case_strcmp ((unsigned char *) from, (unsigned char *) me))
slrn_error ("Failed: Your name: '%s' is not '%s'", me, from);
if (NULL == (newsgroups = slrn_extract_header ("Newsgroups: ", 12)))
newsgroups = "";
if (NULL == (msgid = slrn_extract_header ("Message-ID: ", 12)))
slrn_error ("No message id.");
dist = slrn_extract_header("Distribution: ", 14);
if (Slrn_Post_Obj->po_start () < 0) return;
Slrn_Post_Obj->po_printf ("From: %s\nNewsgroups: %s\nSubject: cancel %s\nControl: cancel %s\n",
from, newsgroups, msgid, msgid);
if (dist != NULL)
Slrn_Post_Obj->po_printf ("Distribution: %s\n", dist);
Slrn_Post_Obj->po_printf("\nignore\nArticle canceled by slrn %s\n", Slrn_Version);
if (0 == Slrn_Post_Obj->po_end ())
slrn_message ("Done.");
/*{{{ header/thread (un)deletion/(un)catchup */
static void delete_header (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
if (h->flags & HEADER_TAGGED) return;
if (0 == (h->flags & HEADER_READ))
kill_cross_references (h);
h->flags |= HEADER_READ;
static void undelete_header (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
if (h->flags & HEADER_TAGGED) return;
h->flags &= ~HEADER_READ;
static void catch_up_all (void) /*{{{*/
for_all_headers (delete_header, 1);
static void un_catch_up_all (void) /*{{{*/
for_all_headers (undelete_header, 1);
static void catch_up_to_here (void) /*{{{*/
for_all_headers (delete_header, 0);
static void un_catch_up_to_here (void) /*{{{*/
for_all_headers (undelete_header, 0);
static void undelete_header_cmd (void) /*{{{*/
if ((Slrn_Current_Header->parent != NULL)/* in middle of thread */
|| (Slrn_Current_Header->child == NULL)/* At top with no child */
/* or at top with child showing */
|| (0 == (Slrn_Current_Header->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)))
undelete_header (Slrn_Current_Header);
for_this_tree (Slrn_Current_Header, undelete_header);
slrn_header_down_n (1, 0);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void delete_header_cmd (void) /*{{{*/
if ((Slrn_Current_Header->parent != NULL)/* in middle of thread */
|| (Slrn_Current_Header->child == NULL)/* At top with no child */
/* or at top with child showing */
|| (0 == (Slrn_Current_Header->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)))
delete_header (Slrn_Current_Header);
for_this_tree (Slrn_Current_Header, delete_header);
slrn_next_unread_header ();
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
static void thread_delete_cmd (void) /*{{{*/
for_this_tree (Slrn_Current_Header, delete_header);
delete_header_cmd ();
/*{{{ group_lens functions */
static void grouplens_rate_article (void) /*{{{*/
int ch;
if ((Slrn_Current_Header == NULL)
|| (Num_GroupLens_Rated == -1))
slrn_message_now ("Rate article (1-5):");
ch = SLang_getkey ();
if ((ch < '1') || (ch > '5'))
slrn_error ("Rating must be in range 1 to 5.");
slrn_group_lens_rate_article (Slrn_Current_Header, ch - '0',
(Article_Visible && (Header_Showing == Slrn_Current_Header)));
/*{{{ mouse commands */
/* actions for different regions:
* - top status line (help)
* - header status line
* - above header status line
* - below header status line
* - bottom status line
static void art_mouse (void (*top_status)(void), /*{{{*/
void (*header_status)(void),
void (*bot_status)(void),
void (*normal_region)(void)
int r, c;
slrn_get_mouse_rc (&r, &c);
/* take top status line into account */
if (r == 1)
if (Slrn_Use_Mouse)
(void) slrn_execute_menu (c);
else if (NULL != top_status) (*top_status) ();
if (r >= SLtt_Screen_Rows)
/* On header status line */
if (r - 2 == Header_Window_Nrows)
if (NULL != header_status) (*header_status) ();
/* bottom status line */
if (r == SLtt_Screen_Rows - 1)
if (NULL != bot_status) (*bot_status) ();
if (r - 2 > Header_Window_Nrows)
if (NULL != normal_region) (*normal_region) ();
r -= (1 + Last_Cursor_Row);
if (r < 0)
r = -r;
if (r != (int) slrn_header_up_n (r, 0)) return;
else if (r != (int) slrn_header_down_n (r, 0)) return;
select_article (1);
/* if (NULL != normal_region) (*normal_region) (); */
static void art_mouse_left (void) /*{{{*/
art_mouse (slrn_article_help, header_pagedn,
art_next_unread, art_pagedn);
static void art_mouse_middle (void) /*{{{*/
art_mouse (toggle_header_formats, hide_article,
toggle_quotes, hide_article);
#if 1
/* Make up for buggy rxvt which have problems with the middle key. */
if (NULL != getenv ("COLORTERM"))
if (SLang_input_pending (7))
while (SLang_input_pending (0)) SLang_getkey ();
static void art_mouse_right (void) /*{{{*/
art_mouse (slrn_article_help, header_pageup,
art_prev_unread, art_pageup);
/*{{{ slrn_init_article_mode */
#define A_KEY(s, f) {s, (int (*)(void)) f}
static SLKeymap_Function_Type Art_Functions [] = /*{{{*/
A_KEY("grouplens_rate_article", grouplens_rate_article),
A_KEY("print_article", print_article_cmd),
A_KEY("digit_arg", slrn_digit_arg),
A_KEY("browse_url", browse_url),
A_KEY("art_xpunge", art_xpunge),
A_KEY("wrap_article", toggle_wrap_article),
A_KEY("goto_last_read", goto_last_read),
A_KEY("decode", decode_article),
#if 1
A_KEY("show_spoilers", show_spoilers),
A_KEY("create_score", create_score),
A_KEY("toggle_collapse_threads", toggle_collapse_threads),
A_KEY("toggle_header_tag", toggle_header_tag),
A_KEY("tag_header", num_tag_header),
A_KEY("untag_headers", num_untag_headers),
A_KEY("repeat_last_key", slrn_repeat_last_key),
A_KEY("art_bob", art_bob),
A_KEY("art_eob", art_eob),
A_KEY("goto_beginning", art_bob),
A_KEY("goto_end", art_eob),
A_KEY("forward_digest", skip_digest_forward),
A_KEY("locate_article", locate_header_by_msgid),
A_KEY("delete_thread", thread_delete_cmd),
A_KEY("post", slrn_post_cmd),
A_KEY("get_children_headers", get_children_headers),
A_KEY("get_parent_header", get_parent_header),
A_KEY("skip_to_next_group", skip_to_next_group),
A_KEY("skip_to_prev_group", skip_to_prev_group),
A_KEY("fast_quit", fast_quit),
A_KEY("catchup_all", catch_up_all),
A_KEY("uncatchup_all", un_catch_up_all),
A_KEY("catchup", catch_up_to_here),
A_KEY("uncatchup", un_catch_up_to_here),
A_KEY("pipe_article", pipe_article),
A_KEY("toggle_rot13", toggle_rot13),
A_KEY("toggle_show_author", toggle_header_formats),
A_KEY("toggle_header_formats", toggle_header_formats),
A_KEY("toggle_sort", toggle_sort),
A_KEY("skip_quotes", skip_quoted_text),
A_KEY("header_bob", header_bob),
A_KEY("header_eob", header_eob),
A_KEY("goto_article", goto_article),
A_KEY("shrink_window", shrink_window),
A_KEY("enlarge_window", enlarge_window),
A_KEY("scroll_dn", art_pagedn),
A_KEY("scroll_up", art_pageup),
A_KEY("article_pagedn", art_pagedn),
A_KEY("article_pageup", art_pageup),
A_KEY("article_linedn", art_linedn),
A_KEY("article_lineup", art_lineup),
A_KEY("article_search", article_search),
A_KEY("author_search_backward", author_search_backward),
A_KEY("author_search_forward", author_search_forward),
A_KEY("cancel", cancel_article),
A_KEY("supersede", supersede),
A_KEY("delete", delete_header_cmd),
A_KEY("down", header_down),
A_KEY("exchange_mark", exchange_mark),
A_KEY("followup", followup),
A_KEY("forward", forward_article),
A_KEY("help", slrn_article_help),
A_KEY("hide_article", hide_article),
A_KEY("left", art_left),
A_KEY("mark_spot", mark_spot),
A_KEY("next", art_next_unread),
A_KEY("prev", art_prev_unread),
A_KEY("quit", art_quit),
A_KEY("redraw", slrn_redraw),
A_KEY("reply", reply_cmd),
A_KEY("right", art_right),
A_KEY("save", save_article),
A_KEY("subject_search_backward", subject_search_backward),
A_KEY("subject_search_forward", subject_search_forward),
A_KEY("suspend", art_suspend_cmd),
A_KEY("toggle_headers", toggle_headers),
A_KEY("toggle_quotes", toggle_quotes),
A_KEY("undelete", undelete_header_cmd),
A_KEY("up", header_up),
A_KEY("pageup", header_pageup),
A_KEY("pagedn", header_pagedn),
A_KEY("next_same_subject", next_header_same_subject),
A_KEY("next_high_score", next_high_score),
A_KEY("next_high_score", next_high_score),
A_KEY("locate_header_by_msgid", locate_header_by_msgid),
A_KEY("post_postponed", slrn_post_postponed),
A_KEY("zoom_article_window", zoom_article_window),
static Slrn_Mode_Type Art_Mode_Cap = /*{{{*/
NULL, /* keymap */
art_winch_sig, /* sigwinch_fun */
NULL, /* enter_mode_hook */
void slrn_init_article_mode (void) /*{{{*/
char *err = "Unable to create Article keymap!";
char numbuf[2];
char ch;
if (NULL == (Slrn_Article_Keymap = SLang_create_keymap ("article", NULL)))
slrn_exit_error (err);
Art_Mode_Cap.keymap = Slrn_Article_Keymap;
Slrn_Article_Keymap->functions = Art_Functions;
Art_Functions_Ptr = Art_Functions;
numbuf[1] = 0;
for (ch = '0'; ch <= '9'; ch++)
numbuf[0] = ch;
SLkm_define_key (numbuf, (FVOID_STAR) goto_header_number, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
numbuf[0] = '0';
/* Steal '0' for use as a prefix for rating. */
SLkm_define_key (numbuf, (FVOID_STAR) grouplens_rate_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033l", (FVOID_STAR) locate_header_by_msgid, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0331", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0332", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0333", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0334", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0335", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0336", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0337", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0338", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0339", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\0330", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_digit_arg, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("*", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_header_tag, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("#", (FVOID_STAR) num_tag_header, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033#", (FVOID_STAR) num_untag_headers, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key (":", (FVOID_STAR) decode_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key (" ", (FVOID_STAR) art_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("!", (FVOID_STAR) next_high_score, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key (",", (FVOID_STAR) exchange_mark, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key (".", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_repeat_last_key, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("/", (FVOID_STAR) article_search, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key (";", (FVOID_STAR) mark_spot, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("<", (FVOID_STAR) art_bob, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("=", (FVOID_STAR) next_header_same_subject, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key (">", (FVOID_STAR) art_eob, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("?", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_article_help, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("A", (FVOID_STAR) author_search_backward, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("F", (FVOID_STAR) forward_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("H", (FVOID_STAR) hide_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("K", (FVOID_STAR) create_score, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("L", (FVOID_STAR) goto_last_read, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("N", (FVOID_STAR) skip_to_next_group, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("P", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_post_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("S", (FVOID_STAR) subject_search_backward, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("T", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_quotes, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("U", (FVOID_STAR) browse_url, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("W", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_wrap_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033^C", (FVOID_STAR) cancel_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033^P", (FVOID_STAR) get_children_headers, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033^S", (FVOID_STAR) supersede, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033a", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_header_formats, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033d", (FVOID_STAR) thread_delete_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033p", (FVOID_STAR) get_parent_header, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033t", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_collapse_threads, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\r", (FVOID_STAR) art_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\t", (FVOID_STAR) skip_quoted_text, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^L", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_redraw, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^M", (FVOID_STAR) art_linedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^P", (FVOID_STAR) header_up, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^R", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_redraw, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^Z", (FVOID_STAR) art_suspend_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("a", (FVOID_STAR) author_search_forward, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("b", (FVOID_STAR) art_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("d", (FVOID_STAR) delete_header_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("f", (FVOID_STAR) followup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("g", (FVOID_STAR) skip_digest_forward, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("j", (FVOID_STAR) goto_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("n", (FVOID_STAR) art_next_unread, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("o", (FVOID_STAR) save_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("p", (FVOID_STAR) art_prev_unread, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("q", (FVOID_STAR) art_quit, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("r", (FVOID_STAR) reply_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("s", (FVOID_STAR) subject_search_forward, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("t", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_headers, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("u", (FVOID_STAR) undelete_header_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("x", (FVOID_STAR) art_xpunge, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("y", (FVOID_STAR) print_article_cmd, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("|", (FVOID_STAR) pipe_article, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
#if defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
SLkm_define_key ("^@S", (FVOID_STAR) art_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0S", (FVOID_STAR) art_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^?", (FVOID_STAR) art_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
#if defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
SLkm_define_key ("\033^@H", (FVOID_STAR) art_lineup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033\xE0H", (FVOID_STAR) art_lineup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033^@P", (FVOID_STAR) art_linedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033\xE0P", (FVOID_STAR) art_linedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^@H", (FVOID_STAR) header_up, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0H", (FVOID_STAR) header_up, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^@P", (FVOID_STAR) header_down, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0P", (FVOID_STAR) header_down, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^@M", (FVOID_STAR) art_right, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0M", (FVOID_STAR) art_right, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^@K", (FVOID_STAR) art_left, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0K", (FVOID_STAR) art_left, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033\033[A", (FVOID_STAR) art_lineup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033\033OA", (FVOID_STAR) art_lineup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033\033[B", (FVOID_STAR) art_linedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033\033OB", (FVOID_STAR) art_linedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[A", (FVOID_STAR) header_up, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033OA", (FVOID_STAR) header_up, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[B", (FVOID_STAR) header_down, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033OB", (FVOID_STAR) header_down, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[C", (FVOID_STAR) art_right, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033OC", (FVOID_STAR) art_right, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[D", (FVOID_STAR) art_left, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033OD", (FVOID_STAR) art_left, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033S", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_sort, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^U", (FVOID_STAR) header_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033V", (FVOID_STAR) header_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
#if defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
SLkm_define_key ("^@I", (FVOID_STAR) header_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0I", (FVOID_STAR) header_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^@Q", (FVOID_STAR) header_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\xE0Q", (FVOID_STAR) header_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[5~", (FVOID_STAR) header_pageup, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[6~", (FVOID_STAR) header_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^D", (FVOID_STAR) header_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^V", (FVOID_STAR) header_pagedn, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033>", (FVOID_STAR) header_eob, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033<", (FVOID_STAR) header_bob, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("c", (FVOID_STAR) catch_up_all, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033c", (FVOID_STAR) catch_up_all, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033u", (FVOID_STAR) un_catch_up_all, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033C", (FVOID_STAR) catch_up_to_here, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("C", (FVOID_STAR) catch_up_to_here, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033U", (FVOID_STAR) un_catch_up_to_here, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033R", (FVOID_STAR) toggle_rot13, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
#if 1
SLkm_define_key ("\033?", (FVOID_STAR) show_spoilers, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^N", (FVOID_STAR) header_down, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^", (FVOID_STAR) enlarge_window, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("^^", (FVOID_STAR) shrink_window, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033P", (FVOID_STAR) slrn_post_postponed, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
/* mouse (left/middle/right) */
SLkm_define_key ("\033[M\040", (FVOID_STAR) art_mouse_left, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[M\041", (FVOID_STAR) art_mouse_middle, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("\033[M\042", (FVOID_STAR) art_mouse_right, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
SLkm_define_key ("z", (FVOID_STAR) zoom_article_window, Slrn_Article_Keymap);
if (SLang_Error) slrn_exit_error (err);
/*{{{ slrn_article_mode and support functions */
static void slrn_art_hangup (int sig) /*{{{*/
(void) sig;
if (Slrn_Current_Header != NULL)
undelete_header_cmd (); /* in case we are reading one */
art_quit ();
static void mark_ranges_read (Slrn_Range_Type *r) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *h = Slrn_First_Header;
int min, max;
while ((r != NULL) && (h != NULL))
min = r->min;
max = r->max;
while (h != NULL)
if (h->number < min)
h = h->real_next;
if (h->number > max)
h->flags |= HEADER_READ;
h = h->real_next;
r = r->next;
static void init_graphic_chars (void)
if (SLtt_Has_Alt_Charset == 0)
Slrn_Simulate_Graphic_Chars = 1;
if (Slrn_Simulate_Graphic_Chars)
Graphic_LTee_Char = '+';
Graphic_UTee_Char = '+';
Graphic_LLCorn_Char = '\\';
Graphic_HLine_Char = '-';
Graphic_VLine_Char = '|';
Graphic_ULCorn_Char = '/';
Graphic_Chars_Mode = ALT_CHAR_SET_MODE;
Graphic_LTee_Char = SLSMG_LTEE_CHAR;
Graphic_UTee_Char = SLSMG_UTEE_CHAR;
Graphic_LLCorn_Char = SLSMG_LLCORN_CHAR;
Graphic_HLine_Char = SLSMG_HLINE_CHAR;
Graphic_VLine_Char = SLSMG_VLINE_CHAR;
Graphic_ULCorn_Char = SLSMG_ULCORN_CHAR;
Graphic_Chars_Mode = ALT_CHAR_SET_MODE;
/* If all > 0, get last 'all' headers from server independent of whether
* they have been read or not.
* If all < 0, and this is not the first time this group has been accessed,
* either during this session or during previous sessions, get
* that last 'all' UNREAD articles.
* Otherwise, fetch ALL UNREAD headers from the server.
int slrn_select_article_mode (Slrn_Group_Type *g, int all, int score) /*{{{*/
int min, max;
int smin, smax;
Slrn_Range_Type *r;
int status;
init_graphic_chars ();
Header_Window_HScroll = 0;
User_Aborted_Group_Read = 0;
Headers = Slrn_First_Header = NULL;
Threads_Collapsed = 0;
Same_Subject_Start_Header = NULL;
Number_Killed = Number_High_Scored = Number_Low_Scored = 0;
Current_Group = g;
r = &g->range;
Slrn_Current_Group_Name = g->name;
if (Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_reset_has_xover)
Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_has_xover = 1;
Slrn_Score_After_XOver = Slrn_Server_Obj->sv_has_xover;
SLang_run_hooks ("pre_article_mode_hook", 0);
if (SLang_Error)
return -1;
if (score && (1 == slrn_open_score (Slrn_Current_Group_Name)))
Perform_Scoring = 1;
else Perform_Scoring = 0;
Slrn_Server_Min = r->min;
Slrn_Server_Max = r->max;
r = r->next;
/* Now r points to ranges already read. */
status = 0;
if (all > 0)
min = Slrn_Server_Max - all + 1;
if (min < Slrn_Server_Min) min = Slrn_Server_Min;
status = get_headers (min, Slrn_Server_Max, &all);
if (status != -1)
mark_ranges_read (r);
if ((all < 0) && (r != NULL))
int unread;
/* This condition will occur when the user wants to read unread
* articles that occur in a gap, i.e., RRRUUUUURRRUUUUUUU and
* we need to dig back far enough below the last group of read
* ones until we have retrieved abs(all) articles.
* The problem with this is that some articles may not be
* available on the server which means that the number to
* go back will be under estimated.
all = -all;
while (r->next != NULL) r = r->next;
/* Go back through previously read articles counting unread.
* If number unread becomes greater than the number that we
* intend to read, then we know where to start querying
* the server.
unread = 0;
max = Slrn_Server_Max;
while (r->prev != NULL)
unread += max - r->max;
if (unread >= all) break;
max = r->min - 1;
r = r->prev;
if (unread >= all)
/* This may be problematic if some articles are missing on
* the server. If that is the case, smin will be to high
* and we will fall short of the goal.
smin = r->max + (unread - all) + 1;
else smin = Slrn_Server_Min;
smax = Slrn_Server_Max;
r = r->next;
/* all == 0, or no previously read articles. */
smin = Slrn_Server_Min;
smax = Slrn_Server_Max;
if (r != NULL)
Slrn_Range_Type *r1;
/* Estimate how many are available to read */
all = smax - r->max;
#if 0 /* is this correct?? */
/* Now subtract the ones that we have already read. */
r1 = r->next;
while (r1 != NULL)
all -= (r1->max - r1->min) + 1;
r1 = r1->next;
/* This condition should never arise */
if (all == 0) all = smax - smin + 1;
else all = smax - smin + 1;
while (r != NULL)
if (r->min > smin)
min = smin;
max = r->min - 1;
status = get_headers (min, max, &all);
if (status == -1)
if (status == 0)
Slrn_Groups_Dirty = 1;
r->min = min;
smin = r->max + 1;
smin = r->max + 1;
r = r->next;
if (smin <= smax)
status = get_headers (smin, smax, &all);
if ((status == -1) || SLKeyBoard_Quit)
if (SLang_Error == USER_BREAK)
slrn_error_now (0, "Group transfer aborted.");
slrn_error_now (0, "Server read failed.");
/* This means that we cannot update ranges for this group because
* the user aborted and update_ranges assumes that all articles
* upto server max are present.
User_Aborted_Group_Read = 1;
art_quit ();
else if (Slrn_Score_After_XOver
&& Perform_Scoring)
score_headers ();
if (Headers == NULL)
slrn_close_score ();
if (Number_Killed)
slrn_error ("No unread articles found. (%d killed)", Number_Killed);
slrn_error ("No unread articles found.");
free_kill_lists_and_update ();
Slrn_Current_Group_Name = NULL;
if (SLang_Error == USER_BREAK) return -1;
else return -2;
make_hash_table ();
/* This must go here to fix up the next/prev pointers */
sort_by_server_number ();
extract_real_names ();
slrn_chmap_fix_headers ();
slrn_push_mode (&Art_Mode_Cap);
Slrn_Current_Header = Headers;
Last_Cursor_Row = 0;
Mark_Header = NULL;
init_header_window_struct ();
Article_Current_Line = Slrn_Article_Lines = NULL;
At_End_Of_Article = NULL;
Header_Showing = NULL;
SLMEMSET ((char *) &Slrn_Article_Window, 0, sizeof (SLscroll_Window_Type));
set_article_visibility (0);
/* slrn_set_suspension (1); */
Num_GroupLens_Rated = slrn_get_grouplens_scores ();
/* slrn_set_suspension (0); */
(void) SLang_run_hooks ("article_mode_hook", 0);
sort_by_sorting_mode ();
header_bob ();
quick_help ();
if (Slrn_Startup_With_Article) art_pagedn ();
if (SLang_Error == 0)
if (Perform_Scoring
/* && (Number_Killed || Number_High_Scored) */
if (Num_GroupLens_Rated != -1)
slrn_message ("Num Killed: %u, Num High: %u, Num Low: %u, Num GroupLens Rated: %d",
Number_Killed, Number_High_Scored, Number_Low_Scored,
slrn_message ("Num Killed: %u, Num High: %u, Num Low: %u",
Number_Killed, Number_High_Scored, Number_Low_Scored);
else slrn_clear_message ();
Number_Low_Scored = Number_Killed = Number_High_Scored = 0;
return 0;
/*{{{ screen update functions */
static char *Header_Display_Formats [SLRN_MAX_HEADER_FORMATS];
static unsigned int Header_Format_Number;
int slrn_set_header_format (unsigned int num, char *fmt)
return -1;
if (Header_Display_Formats[num] != NULL)
SLang_free_slstring (Header_Display_Formats[num]);
if ((fmt == NULL) || (*fmt == 0))
Header_Display_Formats[num] = NULL;
return 0;
if (NULL == (Header_Display_Formats[num] = SLang_create_slstring (fmt)))
return -1;
return 0;
static void toggle_header_formats (void)
if (Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr != NULL)
Header_Format_Number = (unsigned int) *Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr;
Slrn_Prefix_Arg_Ptr = NULL;
else Header_Format_Number++;
Header_Format_Number = Header_Format_Number % SLRN_MAX_HEADER_FORMATS;
if (Header_Display_Formats[Header_Format_Number] == NULL)
Header_Format_Number = 0;
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
/* Wrappers around SLsmg routines. */
static void smg_write_nchars (char *s, unsigned int n)
unsigned char *s1, *smax;
unsigned int eight_bit;
s1 = (unsigned char *) s;
smax = s1 + n;
eight_bit = SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit;
while (s1 < smax)
if ((*s1 & 0x80) && (eight_bit > (unsigned int) *s1))
if (s != (char *) s1)
SLsmg_write_nchars (s, (unsigned int) ((char *)s1 - s));
SLsmg_write_char ('?');
s = (char *) s1;
else s1++;
if (s != (char *)s1)
SLsmg_write_nchars (s, (unsigned int) ((char *)s1 - s));
static void smg_write_string (char *s)
smg_write_nchars (s, strlen (s));
static void smg_write_char (char c)
smg_write_nchars (&c, 1);
static void quick_help (void) /*{{{*/
char *msg;
if (Slrn_Batch) return;
if (Article_Visible == 0)
msg = "SPC:Select Ctrl-D:PgDn Ctrl-U:PgUp d:Mark-as-Read n:Next p:Prev q:Quit";
if (Slrn_Header_Help_Line != NULL) msg = Slrn_Header_Help_Line;
msg = "SPC:Pgdn B:PgUp u:Un-Mark-as-Read f:Followup n:Next p:Prev q:Quit";
if (Slrn_Art_Help_Line != NULL) msg = Slrn_Art_Help_Line;
if (0 == slrn_message (msg))
Slrn_Message_Present = 0;
static void write_rot13 (unsigned char *buf) /*{{{*/
static int init_rot13;
static char rot13buf[256];
unsigned char ch;
int i;
if (init_rot13 == 0)
init_rot13 = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
rot13buf[i] = i;
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'M'; i++)
rot13buf[i] = i + 13;
/* Now take care of lower case ones */
rot13buf[i + 32] = i + 32 + 13;
for (i = 'N'; i <= 'Z'; i++)
rot13buf[i] = i - 13;
/* Now take care of lower case ones */
rot13buf[i + 32] = i + 32 - 13;
while ((ch = *buf++) != 0)
ch = rot13buf[ch];
smg_write_nchars ((char *) &ch, 1);
/*{{{ utility routines */
/* write out the line, replacing all printable chars with '*' */
static void write_spoiler (unsigned char *buf) /*{{{*/
unsigned char ch;
Spoilers_Visible = Slrn_Current_Header;
if (Slrn_Spoiler_Char == ' ')
while ((ch = *buf++) != 0)
if (!isspace(ch)) ch = Slrn_Spoiler_Char;
smg_write_nchars ((char *) &ch, 1);
static void draw_tree (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
unsigned char buf[2];
#if !defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
if (Graphic_Chars_Mode == 0)
smg_write_string ((char *) h->tree);
smg_write_string (" ");
if (Graphic_Chars_Mode == ALT_CHAR_SET_MODE)
SLsmg_set_char_set (1);
slrn_set_color (TREE_COLOR);
if (*h->tree) smg_write_string ((char *) h->tree);
if (h->flags & FAKE_CHILDREN)
buf[0] = Graphic_UTee_Char;
buf[1] = Graphic_HLine_Char;
SLsmg_forward (-1);
smg_write_char (Graphic_ULCorn_Char);
else if ((h->sister == NULL) ||
((h->sister->flags & FAKE_PARENT) && ((h->flags & FAKE_PARENT) == 0)))
buf[0] = Graphic_LLCorn_Char;
buf[1] = Graphic_HLine_Char;
buf[0] = Graphic_LTee_Char;
buf[1] = Graphic_HLine_Char;
smg_write_nchars ((char *) buf, 2);
#if !defined(IBMPC_SYSTEM)
if (Graphic_Chars_Mode == ALT_CHAR_SET_MODE) SLsmg_set_char_set (0);
/*{{{ check_subject */
* This checks if subjects should be printed (correctly I hope)
* hacked: articles in a tree shouldn't display their subject if the
* subject is already displayed (i.e. at top)
* To add: take more Re:'s into account (currently, one is allowed)
int Slrn_Show_Thread_Subject = 0;
static int check_subject (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
char *psubj, *subj;
subj = h->subject;
psubj = h->prev->subject; /* used to be: h->parent->subject */
if ((subj == NULL) || (psubj == NULL)) return 1;
return subject_cmp ((unsigned char *)subj, (unsigned char *)psubj);
static int display_end_of_thread (Slrn_Header_Type *h) /*{{{*/
Slrn_Header_Type *parent, *next_parent;
if ((h == NULL)
|| (h->parent == NULL)
|| (h->child != NULL)
|| (h->next == NULL))
return -1;
parent = h->parent;
while (parent->parent != NULL) parent = parent->parent;
next_parent = h->next;
while (next_parent->parent != NULL)
next_parent = next_parent->parent;
if (next_parent != parent)
if ((Header_Window_Nrows == 0)
&& (next_parent != NULL)
&& (next_parent->subject != NULL))
slrn_message ("End of Thread. Next: %s", next_parent->subject);
slrn_message ("End of Thread.");
return 0;
if ((h->sister == NULL)
|| (h->parent != h->next->parent)
|| (FAKE_PARENT & (h->next->flags ^ h->flags)))
/* The last test involving ^ is necessary because the two can be
* sisters except that one can have a fake parent. If this is the
* case, we are at the end of a subthread.
slrn_message ("End of Sub-Thread");
return 0;
return -1;
static void disp_write_flags (Slrn_Header_Type *h, int row)
unsigned int flags = h->flags;
/* Do not write header numbers if we are displaying at bottom of the
* screen in the display area. When this happens, the header window is
* not visible.
if (row + 1 != SLtt_Screen_Rows)
if (Slrn_Use_Header_Numbers)
slrn_set_color (HEADER_NUMBER_COLOR);
SLsmg_printf ("%2d", row);
if (row > Largest_Header_Number) Largest_Header_Number = row;
else smg_write_string (" ");
if (flags & HEADER_NTAGGED)
slrn_set_color (HIGH_SCORE_COLOR);
SLsmg_printf ("%2d",
if ((flags & HEADER_HIGH_SCORE)
&& (h->child != NULL)
&& (h->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)))
slrn_set_color (HIGH_SCORE_COLOR);
SLsmg_printf ("!%c",
((flags & HEADER_TAGGED) ? '*': ' '));
slrn_set_color (0);
SLsmg_printf (" %c",
((flags & HEADER_TAGGED) ? '*': ' '));
slrn_set_color (0);
SLsmg_write_char ((flags & HEADER_READ) ? 'D': '-');
static void disp_write_grplens (Slrn_Header_Type *h)
char buf [SLRN_GROUPLENS_DISPLAY_WIDTH], *b, *bmax;
if (Num_GroupLens_Rated == -1)
b = buf;
while (b < bmax) *b++ = ' ';
int pred = h->gl_pred;
if (pred < 0)
b = buf;
while ((pred > 0) && (b < bmax))
*b++ = '*';
smg_write_nchars (buf, SLRN_GROUPLENS_DISPLAY_WIDTH);
slrn_set_color (0);
static char *disp_get_header_subject (Slrn_Header_Type *h, int row)
if ((Slrn_Show_Thread_Subject)
/* || (0 == h->num_children) */
|| (h->parent == NULL)
|| (row == 1)
|| (row + 1 == SLtt_Screen_Rows)/* at bottom of screen */
|| check_subject (h))
return h->subject;
return ">";
static void disp_draw_thread_tree (Slrn_Header_Type *h)
if (0 == (Slrn_Sorting_Mode & SORT_BY_THREADS))
if ((h->next != NULL)
&& (h->next->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN))
slrn_set_color (THREAD_NUM_COLOR);
SLsmg_printf (" %2d ",
1 + h->num_children);
smg_write_string (" ");
if ((h->parent != NULL) || (h->flags & FAKE_CHILDREN))
draw_tree (h);
static int display_header_line (Slrn_Header_Type *h, int row)
char *fmt;
char ch;
SLsmg_gotorc (row, 0);
slrn_set_color (0);
fmt = Header_Display_Formats[Header_Format_Number];
if (fmt == NULL)
fmt = "%F%-5S%G%-5l:[%12r]%t%s";
while ((ch = *fmt) != 0)
char *s;
int len;
int color;
int field_len;
char buf[32];
int right_justify;
int spaces = 0;
if (ch != '%')
SLsmg_write_nchars (&ch, 1);
ch = *fmt++;
s = NULL;
len = -1;
color = 0;
field_len = -1;
if (ch == '-')
right_justify = 1;
ch = *fmt++;
right_justify = 0;
if (isdigit (ch))
field_len = 0;
field_len = 10 * field_len + (int) (ch - '0');
ch = *fmt++;
while (isdigit (ch));
switch (ch)
case 0:
slrn_set_color (0);
SLsmg_erase_eol ();
return 0;
case 'F':
disp_write_flags (h, row);
/* score */
case 'S':
if (Slrn_Display_Score)
int score;
score = ((h->child != NULL) && (h->child->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN)
? h->thread_score : h->score);
s = buf;
if (score)
sprintf (s, "%d", score);
else *s = 0;
case 'l':
s = buf;
sprintf (s, "%d", h->lines);
case '%':
s = "%";
len = 1;
case 't':
disp_draw_thread_tree (h);
case 'f':
s = h->from;
if (s == NULL) s = "";
case 'r':
s = h->realname;
len = h->realname_len;
if (s == NULL) s = "";
case 's':
s = disp_get_header_subject (h, row);
case 'G':
disp_write_grplens (h);
case 'd':
if (NULL == (s = h->date))
s = "";
case 'n':
s = buf;
sprintf (s, "%d", h->number);
case 'g':
SLsmg_erase_eol ();
if (right_justify)
field_len = SLtt_Screen_Cols - field_len;
SLsmg_gotorc (row, field_len);
slrn_set_color (color);
if (s == NULL)
if (len == -1) len = strlen (s);
if (field_len != -1)
if (field_len > len)
spaces = field_len - len;
len = field_len;
if (right_justify)
while (spaces)
SLsmg_write_nchars (" ", 1);
SLsmg_write_nchars (s, len);
while (spaces)
SLsmg_write_nchars (" ", 1);
if (color) slrn_set_color (0);
slrn_set_color (0);
SLsmg_erase_eol ();
return 0;
static void display_article_line (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l)
char *lbuf = l->buf;
if (l->flags & HEADER_LINE)
if ((unsigned char)*lbuf > (unsigned char)' ')
lbuf = slrn_strchr (lbuf, ':');
if (lbuf != NULL)
smg_write_nchars (l->buf, lbuf - l->buf);
else lbuf = l->buf;
slrn_set_color (HEADER_COLOR);
smg_write_string (lbuf);
if (l->flags & QUOTE_LINE)
slrn_set_color (QUOTE_COLOR);
else if (l->flags & SIGNATURE_LINE)
slrn_set_color (SIGNATURE_COLOR);
else slrn_set_color (ARTICLE_COLOR);
if (l->flags & SPOILER_LINE)
write_spoiler ((unsigned char *) lbuf);
if (Do_Rot13) write_rot13 ((unsigned char *) lbuf);
else smg_write_string (lbuf);
static void update_header_window (void)
Slrn_Header_Type *h;
int height;
int row;
int last_cursor_row;
int c0;
height = Slrn_Header_Window.nrows;
h = (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.top_window_line;
SLscroll_find_top (&Slrn_Header_Window);
if (h != (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.top_window_line)
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 1;
h = (Slrn_Header_Type *) Slrn_Header_Window.top_window_line;
last_cursor_row = Last_Cursor_Row;
SLsmg_gotorc (height + 1, 0);
slrn_set_color (STATUS_COLOR);
SLsmg_printf ("News Group: %s", Slrn_Current_Group_Name);
slrn_print_percent (height + 1, 60,
c0 = Header_Window_HScroll;
SLsmg_set_screen_start (NULL, &c0);
for (row = 1; row <= height; row++)
while ((h != NULL) && (h->flags & HEADER_HIDDEN))
h = h->next;
if (Slrn_Full_Screen_Update
|| (row == last_cursor_row))
if (h == NULL)
SLsmg_gotorc (row, 0);
slrn_set_color (0);
SLsmg_erase_eol ();
display_header_line (h, row);
h = h->next;
SLsmg_set_screen_start (NULL, NULL);
static void update_article_window (void)
Slrn_Article_Line_Type *l;
if (Article_Visible == 0)
l = (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) Slrn_Article_Window.top_window_line;
SLscroll_find_top (&Slrn_Article_Window);
if (Slrn_Full_Screen_Update
|| (l != Article_Current_Line)
|| (l != (Slrn_Article_Line_Type *) Slrn_Article_Window.top_window_line))
int row;
int c0;
int height;
height = SLtt_Screen_Rows - 2;
SLsmg_gotorc (height, 0);
slrn_set_color (STATUS_COLOR);
if (Article_Window_HScroll) smg_write_char ('<'); else smg_write_char (' ');
SLsmg_printf (" %d : ", Header_Showing->number);
SLsmg_write_string (Header_Showing->subject);
slrn_print_percent (height, 60, &Slrn_Article_Window);
slrn_set_color (0);
c0 = Article_Window_HScroll;
SLsmg_set_screen_start (NULL, &c0);
l = Article_Current_Line;
row = Slrn_Header_Window.nrows + 2;
if (row == 2) row--; /* header window not visible */
while (row < height)
SLsmg_gotorc (row, 0);
if (l != NULL)
if (l->flags & HIDDEN_LINE)
l = l->next;
display_article_line (l);
l = l->next;
else if (Slrn_Use_Tildes)
slrn_set_color (SLRN_TILDE_COLOR);
smg_write_char ('~');
slrn_set_color (0);
SLsmg_erase_eol ();
if (((l == NULL)
|| ((l->flags & SIGNATURE_LINE) && Slrn_Sig_Is_End_Of_Article))
&& (Slrn_Current_Header == Header_Showing))
At_End_Of_Article = Slrn_Current_Header;
SLsmg_set_screen_start (NULL, NULL);
static void art_update_screen (void) /*{{{*/
At_End_Of_Article = NULL;
Spoilers_Visible = NULL;
if (Slrn_Full_Screen_Update) Largest_Header_Number = 0;
update_header_window ();
update_article_window ();
if (Slrn_Use_Mouse) slrn_update_article_menu ();
slrn_update_top_status_line ();
if (Slrn_Message_Present == 0)
if (Spoilers_Visible != NULL)
slrn_message ("Spoilers visible!");
if (Article_Visible
&& (-1 != display_end_of_thread (Slrn_Current_Header)))
/* do nothing */ ;
quick_help ();
Last_Cursor_Row = 1 + (int) Slrn_Header_Window.window_row;
if ((Header_Window_Nrows == 0)
&& Article_Visible)
if (Slrn_Message_Present == 0)
display_header_line (Slrn_Current_Header, SLtt_Screen_Rows - 1);
SLsmg_gotorc (SLtt_Screen_Rows - 1, 0);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 0;
if (Header_Window_HScroll)
int c0 = Header_Window_HScroll;
SLsmg_set_screen_start (NULL, &c0);
display_header_line (Slrn_Current_Header, Last_Cursor_Row);
SLsmg_set_screen_start (NULL, NULL);
SLsmg_gotorc (Last_Cursor_Row, 0);
slrn_set_color (CURSOR_COLOR);
#if SLANG_VERSION > 10003
if (Slrn_Display_Cursor_Bar)
SLsmg_set_color_in_region (CURSOR_COLOR, Last_Cursor_Row, 0, 1, SLtt_Screen_Cols);
smg_write_string ("->");
slrn_set_color (0);
Slrn_Full_Screen_Update = 0;